Voodoo 2 Fan?

Chris Bloo

Voodoo 2 Fan?

by Chris Bloo » Fri, 03 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Okay this isn't really a question for R.A.S. but I know that alot of people
who send posts here have Voodoo 2 cards and my problem is affecting my GPL
racing (or bouncing off fences to be more accurate!).

I recntly gort myself a Voodoo 2 for the purpose of GPL, it doesn't have an
onboard fan though unlike other V2's I have seen.  Occasionally (once or
twice a day) my screen will freeze i can still hear the car going and the
differant noises as I switch between throttle and brakes.  I can get back to
my desktop without rebooting by CTRL+ALT+DELETE, the computer then runs a
bit slowly till i rebbot.

My question is; would this be caused by my V2 overheating and would a fan
sort this out, and how would I go about adding a fan?  This has also
happened in another game so it isn't GPL.

Thanks for any help


Colin McSkimmin

Voodoo 2 Fan?

by Colin McSkimmin » Fri, 03 Dec 1999 04:00:00

get yourself a cooling fan from

Pretty cheap and great service - I ordered a couple of things and they got
from Seattle to the UK in three days.

Greg Campbel

Voodoo 2 Fan?

by Greg Campbel » Fri, 03 Dec 1999 04:00:00

> Okay this isn't really a question for R.A.S. but I know that alot of people
> who send posts here have Voodoo 2 cards and my problem is affecting my GPL
> racing (or bouncing off fences to be more accurate!).

> I recntly gort myself a Voodoo 2 for the purpose of GPL, it doesn't have an
> onboard fan though unlike other V2's I have seen.  Occasionally (once or
> twice a day) my screen will freeze i can still hear the car going and the
> differant noises as I switch between throttle and brakes.  I can get back to
> my desktop without rebooting by CTRL+ALT+DELETE, the computer then runs a
> bit slowly till i rebbot.

> My question is; would this be caused by my V2 overheating and would a fan
> sort this out, and how would I go about adding a fan?  This has also
> happened in another game so it isn't GPL.

> Thanks for any help

> Chris

I have similar symptoms - runs for a while, then freezes the screen - when I
overclock my V2 too much.  I suspect heat is at least partially responsible for
your woes.  Try running w/o the case, or setting a small (cpu) fan to blow over
your V2.  You could also get an overclocking utility and _under_clock the chip a
few MHz.

Hope this helps - good luck.



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Obiwan Benkenob

Voodoo 2 Fan?

by Obiwan Benkenob » Sat, 04 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Do you really,really think so???
I have double voodoo 2 with fans,and have only recently
started having this problem with the demo.
Isn't it more probable that it is due to normal disk swapping?
(just asking,not stating a fact or anything)
I am actually not 100% sure my fans are wokring all right,but
I run with the cover off,and haven't had this kind of problem
in any other game.


Robert S?derberg

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Mr Meane

Voodoo 2 Fan?

by Mr Meane » Sat, 04 Dec 1999 04:00:00 do some good V2 cooling systems too


Peter Ive

Voodoo 2 Fan?

by Peter Ive » Sun, 05 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Could be, though I would also check to make sure it is properly seated
in the slot, or even try a different slot if you have one available.
I've been getting the same problems, though intermittent, since
upgrading my mobo and processor which would gradually get worse and
worse over a period of 2-3 weeks until I would have to reseat my Voodoo
2 and, surprisingly, also my soundcard.  I was having problems seating
them properly because the mobo was just slightly too low so that, once I
had tightened up the***to hold the card(s) in place this would start
to gradually pull them away and out of their slot.

Yesterday it got to the point that I couldn't even play any games at
all.  Even with the computer being unused for several hours.  As soon as
I started up a game it would freeze immediately, not even getting beyond
the opening screen.  I then decided to do something about raising the
mobo slightly, reinserted the cards and the problem's gone away again
with no chance of them working loose.  Hopefully this will finally end
my problems.
Peter Ives

Obiwan Benkenob

Voodoo 2 Fan?

by Obiwan Benkenob » Thu, 09 Dec 1999 04:00:00 voodoo fans are working fine,but I just remembered that
my AMD cpu fan broke down some time ago,and I haven't been
able to find a new one yet......

Robert S?derberg

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