No, you don't have to have a joystick plugged in. I ran mine for quite a
while without it, and a LTFF. I had to create two copies of a 2 axis
custom controller I created with the Game Controller, and called CH
pedals. I think I had the wheel at ID 1 and the two pedal controllers at
IDs 2 and 3. I'll have to check at home.Maybe it was the pedals at 1 and
2, with the wheel at 3?
The pedals don't really work right in the Windows Game Controller test
window, in that they only go one direction on the x and y axis. But this
will work fine for GPL with it's very good controller set-up routine. I
also got it to work with N3, and I think GP 500.
Kevin Caldwell
Calgary, Canada
> Do I HAVE to have a joystick plugged in with my CH Pedals to get them
> to work? Without a joystick plugged in, the Control Panel Game
> Controller configuration (Win98) does not see my pedals. It says "Not
> Connected". If I hook a joystick up, it works fine.
> I'm selling my stick, but keeping my pedals... and I need to have the
> pedals working w/out a stick plugged in.
> Is this possible?
> Sent via
> Before you buy.