% I've got a problem:
% I own a Thrustmaster-Formula-Pro wheel and a Thrustmaster-ACM gamecard. When
% I swich to seperate axes, I can't calibrate the brake-pedal neither in
% Win95-Joystick-Calibration nor in that of Thrustmaster-Pro-Panel, gas and
% steering is okay. In GPL this setting allows me to use brakes only with
% Papy-driver, DirectX-driver doesn't recognize any brakes. I find this rather
% strange, because braking in GPL is rather shitty, I can't achieve clean
% braking without locking up, whilst my gas-pedal is very precise.
The fact that you can use the brake when set to separate using the
"generic" driver indicates a problem with your Win95 setup. Is it
possible that your soundcard's gameport is still in conflict with your
ACM gamecard?
Try setting your ACM card to only use I/O 201-201 and see if this helps
Make sure you have the latest ProPanel applet
I don't remember if ProPanel comes with a utility called joyview.exe,
but search for this program on your HD and see if you can tell what is
happening in Win95 when you move the pedals.
% My questions:
% 1. Any1 with similar experience?
% 2. Any1 know a solution?
% 3. Does the slider for linearity in GPL influence gas and brake pedals?
No it does not.
% 4. How do you guys (and gals?) set that slider for best control (question
% goes only to Thrustmaster Formula/Nascar-Pro users)
I started with it in about the middle. As I adapted to this and
modified my setups, I am incrementally moving it more towards the left.
Currently it is somewhere between 4/5ths - 3/4's to the left. Find a
spot where you are comfortable and once you get consistent, try moving
it a little more to the left.
% 5. What can I do to spread the effect of the pedal-depressing-way across the
% WHOLE range of gas and brake pedals, because I fell that 80% of the effect
% of depressing comes on the final third of the way, which isn't very
% sensitive?
You can try short-calibrating in GPL. Do not press the pedals all the
way to their limit.
% 6. Is there any patch for GPL which allows me to put in fuel for one lap and
% renew this filling everytime I cross Start-Finish (this was implemented in
% F1RS and very handy for hotlapping as for my point, I need rythm for decent
% laptimes, and getting back to the pits after 3 laps plus driving a
% warm-up-lap everytime thereafter is annoying)?
No. I know that some people out there can get their best times in the
first 3 laps. I can rarely do this. I usually find that my best times
come in about lap 6-7 in GPL. So I usually run at least 9-12 laps of
fuel during qualifying heats. The cars in GPL are less sensitive to
fuel weight than the cars in F1RS.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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