Which video card?

Doug Walke

Which video card?

by Doug Walke » Fri, 22 Oct 1999 04:00:00

I must retire my aging Herc Thriller PCI (need the PCI slot) for an AGP
card. Any recommendations? TNT or 3dfx or ?
It'll be running in a P3 500 system w/128 megs.

Doug Walker


Which video card?

by Mtb70 » Sat, 23 Oct 1999 04:00:00


if I were to buy now it would be v3

John Moore - who else

Goy Larse

Which video card?

by Goy Larse » Sat, 23 Oct 1999 04:00:00

> I must retire my aging Herc Thriller PCI (need the PCI slot) for an AGP
> card. Any recommendations? TNT or 3dfx or ?
> It'll be running in a P3 500 system w/128 megs.

Tough Q

It all depends on which sims you run

If you run GPL, the Voodoo3 in some flavour is probably the best
replacement, Matrox and the TNT cards use a beta rasterizer to make it
run, and not everyone has had good results, but quite a few are happy
with the way theirs work, so.......personally I'd go for a V3 card if
GPL was important, unless of course you have a V2 card in your PC, then
you could use that for GPL and get whatever you wanted for your primary
card, but it uses a PCI slot of course

GPL is not important

In that case you have a bunch of cards to choose from

Matrox makes a good card, the G400, with their usually good 2D quality
and very good 3D too from what I hear

ATI likewise with their Rage Fury, but maybe a bit slower in 3D ?

There's a bunch of cards with the RivaTNT2 chipset that can be had for a
not too high a price these days with their new chipset just around the
corner, and this is probably the fastet one right now ?

The above mentioned replacement for the RivaTNT2, the GeForce256 (?) is
due out any day now, and should be fast too

Then theres the Voodoo3 cards from 3Dfx, fairly inexpensive and very
fast, but limited to 16 bit textures in 3D, as opposed to 32 bit for
most other cards today, and the V4 is due around new year ?

Personally I have just sold my TNT2 card and my dual V2's and bought a
V3-3500, I was not too happy with the drivers for the TNT2 card (I had a
lot of weird stuff happening in 2D, the 3D part was excellent though), I
needed the PCI slots that the V2's occupied AND GPL is the most
important sim to me, so I went with the V3 card

Beers and cheers
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