I have a lowend system (K6-200, 48MB RAM, Voodoo1) and I found this
strange: If I set the resolution to 800x600, the game runs faster (while
in broad daylight) than in 640x480... is the performance of the z-buffer
very CPU dependent? At night it's another story... the game seems terribly
slow no matter what I do. Is that a true drop in frame rate, or is it a
visual artifact due to the fact that I see much less of the road during
I have high car detail and full view distance in both cases. Everything
else set to low.
I know I'll have to start turning details down, but which options will give
the most benefit in framerate? (I don't really want to tradeoff viewing
p.s. if there is a "cheat" to turn on some form of frame counter, that will
help immensely.