My machine is set up so that I can access "DOS 7" without the Win98 GUI.
It's done as follows:
(1) Install a program called "Tweak UI". It's found on the win98 CD, I think
in the tools subdirectory, someone on the windows NG's can help you if
I'm wrong. Run Tweak UI (It's in the control panel) select the boot tab
and disable "Boot GUI"
(2) Edit your autoexec.bat file to: include c:\windows\command in the path,
and, end the autoexec.bat with
(3) in your \Windows main directory, delete (or better, archive) logos.sys and
(4) run the system configuration utilitty (I do not remember exactly where this
is normally located, again ask on a windows NG for help) -you want to
disable "fast shutdown"
At this point, when you exit windows you will be at a pure DOS prompt. I have
not found any DOS games that will not work on my system at that level.
"Today's problems were yesterday's solutions"
Delete the 999 to email
For example I have IndyCar Racing 2 setup like this and it
uses my Logitech FF USB wheel for the steering control
device with no problem.
In extreme cases you would have to check the box for
MS-DOS mode and even specify your own startup files.
The computer would then reboot with your specialized
configuration. But this isn't really needed anymore.
Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.
cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com
Ahh... another Mac begins his initiation into the wonderful world of DOS!
I didn't realize you needed CDROM access, all my DOS games are fully
installed on the HD. You need a couple of other programs loaded, something
called MSCDEX and a driver for the CD ROM. Let me look at my home
configuration tonight and I'll get back to you here. Two questions:
did you get a boot diskette with your copy of Windows 98?
what is the make and model of the CDROM??
"Today's problems were yesterday's solutions"
Delete the 999 to email
You need to go to the Control Panel/System/Device Manager and look
at your soundcard. My SBPCI64 has an entry for "Sound Blaster PCI64
Legacy Device". You should have something similar for your Soundblaster
Live! Mine has a "DOS Settings" tab which has all the settings for the card.
You may also find that it will work better if you select a simply mono Sound
Blaster from within the game.
Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.
cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com
Try booting your system with a boot cd that came with your system.
Boot to dos with the cd. Read carefully for a line that says something
like "cd drive R:" What happens when you use a boot disk is that the
boot disk makes the cd drive under another letter BESIDES d:
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