Cheers, Hypersnap is only going to give me one at a time though which is
not much use for writing race reports which have say 130 captures...
unless I want to get RSI in a real hurry!
> > Pressing [print screen] during a replay produces a GPLssXX.pbf file of
> > 0kb on my Geforce at home (and my TNT Vanta at work). It is fine on my
> > Voodoo based systems. Is there a ini file tweak or something I am
> > missing?
> no. Opengl or D3D don't support taking screenshots. Those renderers are
> betas....what else you expect from them? :)
> You can take screenshots by pressing prnt scrn and then pasting the image to
> paint or paint shop pro or whatever....or you could use a commercial
> software called Hypersnap.
> --
> Mika Takala