in and bought it. I got two big problems with it, well the menus also
kinda suck but I can live with that.
The steering is a bit weird with my saitek R4 FF (like MS FF wheel). I
like the strenght required to turn, but it seems there is a FF dead
zone of 1/8th of a turn in each direction before FF kicks in, and that
is what you use most of the time for turning, so steering is light and
the car is very nervous (I tried the 3 settigns the game offers). I was
wondering if there'd be a way to reduce that "no-force feedback zone".
SCGT, for instance, has less FF strenght overall but it provides FF at
all time from dead center, so I know it's not my wheel...
There also seem to be "programmed" FF reactions in areas of the tracl.
At monza for instance in the first right turn after the start chicane,
you can go flat out but the wheel kicks back mid corner for no apparent
reason at every lap... Oh well..
The***pit view ! Jeez, there's a disclaimer in the box about
epileptics and why they should be careful playing computer games. No
wonder ! Get the***pit view and try jumping a kerb ! The game is
turning me into an epileptic ! It seems your eyes are missing a beat,
or the game's skipping 10 frames when you hit a kerb, it's absolutely
awful, you might as well close your eyes for a a second or so, it hurts
to watch it.. I really wish they'd fix this... it looks like what a tv
camera would see, but no a human eye...
Other than that, yeah, it's not super realistic, but it's not all bad
either for $29. Still prefer SCGT, but that's me...
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