Thanks for the reply. I (you) solved the problem but read on because
there's an interesting question at the bottom.
>>Hmmm. You must have "alternate_ip_addr_lookup" set to 1 in core.ini.
I don't actually. I have the 84/3 internet core or modem-to-modem core
They are statically assigned.
I found the check box under Internet settings in the control panel (I was
looking in the DUN menus -wrong place) although it was still a little
cryptic. I changed to connect to the internet over LAN instead of modem
and this fixed my problem.
Now for the interesting question:
Is there a way to make a multi-purpose core.ini? For some strange reason,
I can't get IPX working (stuck with TCP/IP for now) so on my network I
would like to use the fast core.ini (net_use_mdm_bandwidth_for_tcp_ip = 0)
for the peer-to-peer yet still have people join over my dial-up IP using
the 84/3 core (or the modem-to-modem core: the assumedmodemconnectspeed
dealy). In other words, can I have multiple listings in the core.ini file
and direct them towards their specific IP addresses? My guess is I can't
but I had to know for sure because this would help out quite a bit.
> > After three fingering to get out of this
> Never heard it put quite that way, but take two fingers out and it
> evokes the proper image. :-)
> > I noticed that the Dial-up Networking connect window was opened
> > underneath all of this. To fix this temporarily, I removed my modem
> > driver and then it would work fine.
> Hmmm. You must have "alternate_ip_addr_lookup" set to 1 in core.ini.
> If your peer-to-peer IP addresses are assigned statically, you should
> be able to remove this line from core.ini. If they are assigned
> dynamically, then the line must be there. If this is the case, I
> believe there is a setting somewhere in the control panel maze that
> says "Automatically connect to the Internet when needed". If you can
> get away with not having this enabled, disable it. (Note that your
> dialup IP address will be found, regardless of the core.ini setting,
> whether the dialup IP address is either static or dynamic.)
> Randy