This movie (Grand Prix) is absolutely beyond a doubt gonna
get anybody who is awaiting the release of GPL fired-up.
All the screen shots I've seen of GPL look (swear to cod) like
they came straight outta the movie (obviously not in graphics quality
but in looks and feel of the movie). It's incredible.
They've got a bunch of fantastic scenes from the Nuerbering.
The ones that really get me goin' are when there's 3 or 4 cars racing
down one of the big straightaways with the insane banking.
Also, there's alot of film of Monaco. One of the cars even goes
through the wall after the tunnel and into the drink!
One thing that's FANTASTIC about this movie, is that they
spend an outstanding amount of time not sayin' anything and just
filming the race. It just goes on and on. It rocks!
Basically, the movie Grand Prix *IS* Grand Prix Legends on film.