It's a numbers game, Steven -- open the *.csv files using Microsoft
Excel, if you can, and everything will line up nicely and you should be
able to view and understand the various AI performance parameters (EA
used good programming practices and inlcuded remarks to make it easier
to comprehend).
Check it out and see what you can come up with.
- JB
> Out of interest - how does the AI work?
> What I mean is - are these files you have modified full of "magic
> that some internal routine within the executable then reads, or have
> you actually been changing routines?
> I suspect its a numbers game? If so, what variables does the AI
> look at?
> Sorry - just curious - tell me to shut up if this is proprietary or
> something.
> Steve
> > I think I posted this a while back, but I haven't gotten any
> > or feedback, so I'm re-posting again to let you all know that I've
> > tried to modify some of the AI files in NFSPU to try to make the AI
> > even more competitive and capable -- you can find my modified AI
> > here:
> >
> > As stated on the site, any feedback would be most welcome -- I've
> > as much testing as I can, and I need more feedback to determine if
> > AI can be improved any further.
> > Enjoy!
> > -- JB
> > Sent via
> > Before you buy.
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Before you buy.