only made 2 RASCAR races. So I understand if this idea is just shrugged off.
Instead of one person being responsible for pointing out errors in driving,
which is vital to better racing I feel, why don't we have a competition
board. Only people who don't make the race are part of the board for that
week. Get at least three people. They all watch a replay, hopefully from
more than one source, and they post their comments.
I know this would be alot of work, but we do seem to have alot of people who
can't make the races regularly, so this would be another way for them to get
involved. And by not being in the race they are commenting on, there is a
minimized amount of favoritism that could be called.
I know I can't make every race, but I would more than gladly make some time
to review replays and highlight what I thought were examples of bad driving.
And with at least three people making that judgement call, we should get a
fairly good idea of what is bad driving and what is just a racing incident.
btgoss # 146 with RASCAR and GROWL.
> There are a couple dozen of us that are getting along just fine :)
> -Larry
> > > Running a league is not easy but the big part is sticking with it when
> it
> > > gets it worst.
> > > The biggest problem I have seen of RASCAR (from the outside looking
> is
> > > that you guys don't want to call it a league. Someone has a few rules
> but
> > > no one officially stands by them and as such it is going to get out of
> > hand.
> > How has it gotten out of hand?
> > David G Fisher