It's a league. Why don't you think it's a league? Is a league not "a
grooup of people that race together because they want a clean race"?
> I thought so too. Watch the replay, make your own notes on the
> incidents, compare them with mine, and see what you come up with.
> RASCAR isn't a league. It's a grooup of people that race together
> because they want a clean race. To atain that goal, there needs to be
> some agreements that everyone has to follow. Beyond that, unless and
> until the group starts examining the root causes of the incidents,
> nothing will change, and there will continue to be incident-filled
> races. This means that they have to be able to admit when they***
> the pooch.
> Even with all of that, I really don't feel that I have to sit here and
> have my integrity and honesty questioned. I didn't post the recap in
> order to coddle people and make them feel good about themselves. At the
> same time, I didn't do it to be mean-spirited.
> No worries though. I won't be doing it again.
> > I thought the recap was a nice touch. I would have like to have seen it
> > combined with another "highlight reel", and perhaps some of the
> > was a bit too subjective, but people are always going to ***. Don't
> > the league, just grow a thicker shell. I know I have only raced twice
> > RASCAR, and have made at least two "stupid moves"...ok...maybe 3... but
> > know I am mature enough to take it if someone called me on it...or
showed a
> > "highlight reel"... like when I looped all by myself in the last race I
> > attended....
> > That being said. There really should be rules for this league. I am all
> > favor of rules, less chance to *** when everything is on the table.
> > only rule I would hate would be having to make each race, but since that
> > kinda against the entire RASCAR idea, I won't worry about that one...
> > Brit
> > btgoss # 146 in RASCAR and GROWL...
> --
> =========================================================
> DeMONS/1 for Nascar Racing 3 & Nascar Legends
> DeMONS/2 for Nascar Racing 4 and 2002 Season (in development)
> RASCAR Roster
> Redneck Techno-Biker & "programming deity"
> Barbarian Diecast Collector (460+ cars and counting)
> If you want to send me email, go to the first URL shown
> above & click "Send Me Mail" in the contents frame.
> =========================================================