First, I want to say I am borrowing (before I buy) the Virtual Pilot
and so far I'm VERY pleased with it's control! I tried it with my 2 race
sims (W.Circuit and IndyCar) with _outstanding_ results as well with the
2 Aces (Pacific & Europe) with fair results. With the race sims, due to
separate axes configuration possibilites, I was able to get the "throttle
stick" up an running for acceleration and braking (awesome as it feels some-
what like a stickshift anyway, and that's all I've driven in reality so it's
not very cumbersome, IMO). The results with "Aces" -squared :) were fair due
to what many people have already stated, it's somewhat awkward for combat
maneuvers, but not _too_ bad. Actually, I imagine once I get used to it I'll
prefer it as it does allow for easier control of landings and has that nice
sensitive, responsive "feel" as opposed to the Gravis GamePad I had been
using (Ack! GamePad with flight sims??? :) ). Anyway, unto the question...
Before I buy I notice there is a check-box on the registration card
for which product you bought, and one of the selections is a "Virtual Pilot
PRO". (???) What exactly is this? How much more $$$'s compared to the
regular model? And what differences/enhancements does it provide?
Please, someone respond (e-mail or here) SOON, as I can only borrow the VP
for a couple of days before I have to make up my mind! THANKS muchly :)
| _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ | "Are you ready to kneel |
| _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ | before the God of |
| _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ 20th Aniversary | Thunder and Rock n' Roll"|
| _/_/ _/ _/ _/ (1973-1993) | KISS --> Destroyer |
| _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ | Chris Goucher |
This be the end :)
My opinions are MY opinions (so be gentle! :) )