The problem Im trying to solve is not that Im slow - I will deal will
deal with that later - Im trying to get an opinion about what info is
needed to get a standard for measureing that "Consistency" that
everybody is talking about.
> Smith's convention of using the highest speeds at the end of
straights, and
> the lowest speeds seen through a corner or segment of interest might
> worthwhile. Lap times might be a usable measure, but I think at too
gross a
> level of detail. Replay analysis of important corners over several
> would be more telling. I think something like SpyGirl's raised arm
> synchronization would do the trick. The important places to look are
> probably between turn-in and apex, and somewhat beyond track-out. The
> braking zones would show very high variance, and might not be very
> for most of us. If you're dead consistent in braking, but still slow,
> can't imagine what might be wrong.
> Michael.
> > What would be the best way to compare GPL sessions?
> > Would average laptime + varians be enough info? Does the varians
> > the number of laps into concideration?
> > or do we need number of laps, average laptimes, slowest lap, fastest
> > lap, variation etc?
> > BR
> > Thomas Soerensen
> > GPL Enthusiast of Denmark
> > Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
> > Before you buy.
Thomas Soerensen
GPL Enthusiast of Denmark
Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.