I just raced in (and won, hee hee!) an online race at Watkins Glen.
Before the race I topped up with fuel and for the 17 lap race the
closest measurement I could get was 18 laps worth of fuel.
So I thought, I've got one lap left over should I need it. And man, did
I! Coming through the esses at the start of the last lap, my Ferrari
started stuttering and eventually I beat Mr Alex Nase to the line by
just 1.7s from around 10s!
I'm just wondering if anyone else had experienced any of these
irregularities? I was as careful as I could be, lifting whilst shifting
(shlifting?) and not changing down too early, so I don't think running
the revs too high was the cause.
Any thoughts?
(Oh, and I should just mention that I'm about to upload my race "report"
onto the GPL Experiences page of my website)
Graeme Nash
ICQ# 11257824