Voodoo 3 Nascar 3 Question


Voodoo 3 Nascar 3 Question

by Lewi » Tue, 18 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I recently installed a Voodoo 3 card with 16 megs of memory and cannot get
Nascar 3 or GPL to run correctly. I imagine GPL is probably a lost cause but
have to think something can be done for Nascar 3. Are there any tweeks or
patches that will solve this problem for Nascar 3? I think DirectX 7.0 could
be the problem but my system will not let me re-enstall to DirectX 6.0. (I
thought I would at least try it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Dave Henri

Voodoo 3 Nascar 3 Question

by Dave Henri » Wed, 19 Apr 2000 04:00:00

  Very Simple.  Both sims are taylor made for the Voodoo 3 card.
First for GPL.  Get the 1.2 patch.  That will make several improvements
to the main program and implement the Glide 3d for 3dfx Voodoo cards
very very VERY well.
  N3 should also work right out of the box.  With DX7.0. or even better,
  When you install the program it will ask which kind of 3d hardware you
want, D3D or 3dfx.  Make sure you choose the 3dfx mode.
  There is also one beta patch available for N3.  it is located at

  This patch addresses mainly multiplayer issues but has many
improvements including an increased # of tracks that may be used with
the sim.  

  One warning.   If you previously installed both N3 and GPL for another
non-3dfx Voodoo card, you probably are best of removing both and
good luck
dave henrie

> I recently installed a Voodoo 3 card with 16 megs of memory and cannot get
> Nascar 3 or GPL to run correctly. I imagine GPL is probably a lost cause but
> have to think something can be done for Nascar 3. Are there any tweeks or
> patches that will solve this problem for Nascar 3? I think DirectX 7.0 could
> be the problem but my system will not let me re-enstall to DirectX 6.0. (I
> thought I would at least try it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
> Lewis

Martyn Danb

Voodoo 3 Nascar 3 Question

by Martyn Danb » Wed, 19 Apr 2000 04:00:00

What card did u have in the machine prior to installing the v3?

U may want to reinstal

I use dx7a and a v3 3000 with both n3 and nl, no problems at all


> I recently installed a Voodoo 3 card with 16 megs of memory and cannot get
> Nascar 3 or GPL to run correctly. I imagine GPL is probably a lost cause but
> have to think something can be done for Nascar 3. Are there any tweeks or
> patches that will solve this problem for Nascar 3? I think DirectX 7.0 could
> be the problem but my system will not let me re-enstall to DirectX 6.0. (I
> thought I would at least try it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
> Lewis

Don Burnett

Voodoo 3 Nascar 3 Question

by Don Burnett » Wed, 19 Apr 2000 04:00:00

What exactly is it doing? You should have no problem running either sim with
the V3 card. You will need to have patched GPL with version 1.2 I believe it
is. Nascar 3 should run fine without a hitch.
I am running the V3000 agp card, and DX7a.

Don Burnette
Dburn in N3 and Legends

Martyn Danb

Voodoo 3 Nascar 3 Question

by Martyn Danb » Wed, 19 Apr 2000 04:00:00

My guess is remnants of the old card still on the sys somewhere

> What exactly is it doing? You should have no problem running either sim with
> the V3 card. You will need to have patched GPL with version 1.2 I believe it
> is. Nascar 3 should run fine without a hitch.
> I am running the V3000 agp card, and DX7a.

> --
> Don Burnette
> Dburn in N3 and Legends

> > I recently installed a Voodoo 3 card with 16 megs of memory and cannot get
> > Nascar 3 or GPL to run correctly. I imagine GPL is probably a lost cause
> but
> > have to think something can be done for Nascar 3. Are there any tweeks or
> > patches that will solve this problem for Nascar 3? I think DirectX 7.0
> could
> > be the problem but my system will not let me re-enstall to DirectX 6.0. (I
> > thought I would at least try it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
> > Lewis


Voodoo 3 Nascar 3 Question

by bph.. » Wed, 19 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Both sims work fine without any patches.  The gpl 1.2 patch does
include a new rasterizer that is better but the sim works with v3's
without the patch.  If you have dx7 you should probaly upgrade to 7a.
But I doubt that is the problem.  Did you get rid of the old drivers?
If your old vid is onboard, did you disable it?  Exactly what happens
in the sims?

Sent via
Before you buy.


Voodoo 3 Nascar 3 Question

by Eldre » Fri, 21 Apr 2000 04:00:00

>What exactly is it doing? You should have no problem running either sim with
>the V3 card. You will need to have patched GPL with version 1.2 I believe it
>is. Nascar 3 should run fine without a hitch.
>I am running the V3000 agp card, and DX7a.

Actually, I think the original of GPL will work with a V3....

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