Does anyone have any word on the possibility of a new patched demo of
CPR. Needless to say, I'm not going to get the game just so I can see
what the patched version is like!
Does anyone have any word on the possibility of a new patched demo of
CPR. Needless to say, I'm not going to get the game just so I can see
what the patched version is like!
Thankfully, there's F1RS instead.
#include <disclaim>
I too have had no success in adjusting and readjusting the steering
settings. The patch for the full version adds some steering controls, but
the "stepping" action as you call it is still way to imprecise. Try
adjusting the view (+ and - keys) to zoom ahead and you will see that the
stepping becomes huge. I thought this was my problem, so I zoomed back to a
wide-angle type of view. Much better, but still too jerky, and the game
does not remember the zoom setting, so it must be pulled back a few notches
every thime you start driving (even without exiting). If they could fix
this steering problem, the game would be a lot of fun to hack around with
while we wait for future patches. By the way, no one here has been able to
give me a steering adjustment set-up that is any better than mine (0% speed
sensitive, 100% non-linear, 10% null zone--T3 wheel).
Jim Getzen
Unofficial CART Precision Racing HQ
Yes there will be a new demo but I have not been told the timeline for its
Hi Marc,
I have found that steering settings in CPR ( Perhaps like real carts) are
not a 1 time set-up for all tracks. For instance try 16 steering ratio-40
speed sensitive- 50 no linear- 0 null on tracks like Detroit ( this set-up
was posted awhile back on Apex message board by along with a great brake
fix by Jim) I have also found on tracks like Cleveland 0- null, 100% speed
sensitive, 30% non linear, is excellent and allows you to really turn in.
There are also some excellent set ups being posted for the Ovals that
really allow you to track right along the wall on the straights. Take a
look at the Apex new set-ups and take the time to break them down go to
garage menu start a custom file then save it. Next go to CPR directory/
Garage find that saved custom open it with word or Note-pad + and you can
edit beyond the values shown in the in sim garage menus. This is how you
can get the Brake proportioning down to 35% even though in the garage menu
the lowest available is 50%. This tip is also from Jim. Thanks Jim as this
really helped.
Thanks for the suggestions! The brake adjustment is a godsend...I presume
that if real CART cars can only have brake bias adjusted down to 50% then
the CART:PR calibration is way out of line with reality. MS needs to fix
this by either permitting lower than 50% via the sliding bar or adjusting
the programming...whichever is more realistic would be my choice.
Now for the steering. Thanks again for the tips. I want you to try two
very simple tests, both at Miami.
1) Drive out of the pits and attempt to drive exactly over the dashed line
in the pit lane all the way to the pit exit at any speed you like (i.e.,
with the line passing directly under the centre of your car). I can find no
steering set-up that allows me to do this incredibly simple task.
2) Drive along the long straights at Miami with the left wheels tracking the
white line on the inside of the course at 100 km/h (60 m.p.h.). Ditto on
F1, F1RS, ICR2, Nascar2, GP2, RAC Rally all drive exceptionally smoothly
with no steering set-up or fiddling whatsoever. NFS and NFS 2 have jerky
steering which seems to have a very limited number of "positions" on the
steering spectrum. Of course, to get good times adjustments are necessary,
but I am talking about being able to do simple tasks like 1 and 2
above....we'll leave racing aside for a while.
If you can do these 2 simple things in CART:PR (and hopefully you have some
of the titles I mentioned to compare) as competently as you can in other
sims. then PLEASE, PLEASE share your set-up information with me (and the
rest of us).
Eternally hopeful,
>> I too have had no success in adjusting and readjusting the steering
>> settings. By the way, no one here has been able to
>> give me a steering adjustment set-up that is any better than mine (0%
>> sensitive, 100% non-linear, 10% null zone--T3 wheel).
>Hi Marc,
> I have found that steering settings in CPR ( Perhaps like real carts) are
>not a 1 time set-up for all tracks. For instance try 16 steering ratio-40
>speed sensitive- 50 no linear- 0 null on tracks like Detroit ( this set-up
>was posted awhile back on Apex message board by along with a great brake
>fix by Jim) I have also found on tracks like Cleveland 0- null, 100% speed
>sensitive, 30% non linear, is excellent and allows you to really turn in.
>There are also some excellent set ups being posted for the Ovals that
>really allow you to track right along the wall on the straights. Take a
>look at the Apex new set-ups and take the time to break them down go to
>garage menu start a custom file then save it. Next go to CPR directory/
>Garage find that saved custom open it with word or Note-pad + and you can
>edit beyond the values shown in the in sim garage menus. This is how you
>can get the Brake proportioning down to 35% even though in the garage menu
>the lowest available is 50%. This tip is also from Jim. Thanks Jim as this
>really helped.
Rehi Marc,
Glad you liked the brake set-up. Lets not forget it was Jim Getzen I
believe who posted them, Thanks Jim ;-)
Ok whew now this steering. first off yes I do have F1rs, GP2 & ICR2 so I
can compare.
I know this may be a dumb question but I must ask it as it has happened to
me- Look in : Options/ Driving Aids/ make sure you have stay on track UN
checked. I dont know why but sometimes while changing tracks it clicks on
all by itself causing the exact thing your describing here. Next go to the
Apex again and get the new set-up by Trevor Dwyer listed in the front page
news section I believe the title is: Miami 27.02 Now if you cant do a 29
second lap I will keep help-ing try to find the problem but check these
things first. I know the inability to track the line you spoke of but with
these fixes its gone! Now as far as GP2 I would say CPR with these fixes is
coming close but not as stable but........... if you remove opposite lock
help in GP2 I say its quite even. As far as ICR2 goes hey I dont think
there is a sim that can hold a candle to the way that sucker can hold a
line ( once the tires are warm that is hehe ) ICR2 is awesome at this!
Sorry but I dont like F1rs at all drive wise it is completely sterile to me
and I am willing to sell my copy like new in box 45 dollars and that is
with me paying air express postal. I dont have Nascar 2 or Rac but if I get
my Hercules card I will run right out and get Nascar as I hear it Rocks!! I
really hope this helps as I am so amazed by the improvements in CPR I know
its not the
"Popular" Sim now but man you get the right set-up and go to Mid Ohio or
Elkhart it will blow your mind the feel is UNREAL!! Aloha, Mike
OK, got the 27.02 set-up. Definitely no Driving Aids on. No
difference...but, I don't know what steering set-up you are using for ovals.
You gave me a couple of suggestions re: Detroit and Cleveland, but none for
ovals. I would like to replicate your set-up exactly.
You can drive easily in a straight line down the centre of the pits??
>> Thanks for the suggestions! The brake adjustment is a godsend...I
>> that if real CART cars can only have brake bias adjusted down to 50% then
>> the CART:PR calibration is way out of line with reality. MS needs to fix
>> this by either permitting lower than 50% via the sliding bar or adjusting
>> the programming...whichever is more realistic would be my choice.
>> Now for the steering. Thanks again for the tips. I want you to try two
>> very simple tests, both at Miami.
>> 1) Drive out of the pits and attempt to drive exactly over the dashed
>> in the pit lane all the way to the pit exit at any speed you like (i.e.,
>> with the line passing directly under the centre of your car). I can find
>> steering set-up that allows me to do this incredibly simple task.
>> 2) Drive along the long straights at Miami with the left wheels tracking
>> white line on the inside of the course at 100 km/h (60 m.p.h.). Ditto on
>> set-ups.
>> F1, F1RS, ICR2, Nascar2, GP2, RAC Rally all drive exceptionally smoothly
>> with no steering set-up or fiddling whatsoever. NFS and NFS 2 have jerky
>> steering which seems to have a very limited number of "positions" on the
>> steering spectrum. Of course, to get good times adjustments are
>> but I am talking about being able to do simple tasks like 1 and 2
>> above....we'll leave racing aside for a while.
>> If you can do these 2 simple things in CART:PR (and hopefully you have
>> of the titles I mentioned to compare) as competently as you can in other
>> sims. then PLEASE, PLEASE share your set-up information with me (and the
>> rest of us).
>> Eternally hopeful,
>> Marc.
> > I too have had no success in adjusting and readjusting the steering
> > settings. By the way, no one here has been able to
> > give me a steering adjustment set-up that is any better than mine (0%
> speed
> > sensitive, 100% non-linear, 10% null zone--T3 wheel).
> Hi Marc,
> I have found that steering settings in CPR ( Perhaps like real carts) are
> not a 1 time set-up for all tracks. For instance try 16 steering ratio-40
> speed sensitive- 50 no linear- 0 null on tracks like Detroit ( this set-up
> was posted awhile back on Apex message board by along with a great brake
> fix by Jim) I have also found on tracks like Cleveland 0- null, 100% speed
|\ _,,,---,,_ I want to die like my Grandfather,
ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ in his sleep.
|,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' Not like the people in his car,
'---''(_/--' `-'\_) screaming their heads off!
Intrigued by your previous comments, I tried that test and the other one,
which I think was driving around the bottom of the track at 60 mph. I did
not have any difficulty with either. While keeping to an exact line isn't as
easy as it is in a real car, it's easy enough. Here is my setup:
-- T2 steering wheel / pedals
-- speed sensitive set to 80%
-- non-linear set to 30%
-- null zone set to 0.
Frankly, road courses need a slightly different control setup than ovals,
which is understandable since the two two types of tracks demand two totally
different types of driving. I would guess that the steering for real Champ
cars is adjusted for each track (beyond just the steering ratio in the
garage). It would surprise me if real Champ cars use the same steering setup
(beyond the ratio) for Michigan as they do for Detroit.
Thankfully, you can easily switch between two (or more) control setups by
adding to the player names in the opening screen. Add a player called "Your
Name - Ovals" or "You Name - Road" or whatever. Set up the controls the way
you like them for each. Then, just select the appropriate "player" when you
head to a certain track.
Jim Getzen
Unofficial CART Precision Racing HQ
Hi Jim,
First thanks for all your help with set-ups that you have given they really
help. Second thanks for this tip I didn't know that cool! Aloha, Mike
Sorry ronny but speed sensitivity would qualify as a garage setting to me.
Steering ratio umm game setting?? Sorry but if you want to set your "
joystick" once for all tracks your definately in the wrong sim. Aloha, Mike
> Sorry ronny but speed sensitivity would qualify as a garage setting to me.
> Steering ratio umm game setting?? Sorry but if you want to set your "
> joystick" once for all tracks your definately in the wrong sim. Aloha, Mike
> > This is a GAME setting, not a GARAGE setting. I want to configure my
> > wheel
> > (joystick) once, not for every track. Quite some sim, you got there...
It's just dumb to think it's a feature having to adjust the joystick
for different tracks! Next thing is a guy saying: use a T2 for Michigan
a GP1 wheel for Long Beach... ;^)
|\ _,,,---,,_ I want to die like my Grandfather,
ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ in his sleep.
|,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' Not like the people in his car,
'---''(_/--' `-'\_) screaming their heads off!
Sorry again ronny I might have misunderstood your first question. But I
misunderstood your last smart reply even less. as far as using a different
wheel like T2 & GP1 at different tracks duh. But as far as the sensitivity
of your stick wheel or whatever yes I do like it more sensitive on some
tracks and less on others. If you dont then what exactly was your original
complaint? Mike
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