> >Charlie, for what it's worth, I wonder if the teleport bug is a hardware
> >induced thing. I've run a *lot* more than 5000 laps in ICR and ICR2, and
> >have never seen it. Some people have had it occur several times.
> I've had it happen at least 4 times on 3 different tracks. Two occurrences
> at Michigan using NASCAR, one at Rockingham while dialed into Hawaii and
> another while modem racing with someone in ICR2 at Detroit. I had saved
> replays of 3 incidents and I cut them and sent them to Papyrus yesterday.
> I'm convinced it's a fence post error associated with the beginning or end
> of a track segment. It appears to miscalculate the position of the car for
> one frame. The physics engine then gets confused about the speed of the car
> and throws the car ***ly into the nearest wall. The engine also
> explodes from over-revving.
> Dave "davids" Sparks
> Sequoia Motorsports
happened... :) On the hill up to the corkscrew at Laguna (this seems to be
the Bermuda Triangle of ICR2!) my car (with damage off to test out a radically
different setup) suddenly shot to the left (east), through the hill, then north
toward turn 6, then southwest back on to the track, the whole time UNDERGROUND.
All I could see from in the car was brown. In the blimp view I saw the
hill terrain, and brown smoke clouds. My car became visible again when it
shot back out onto the track (as soon as it passed the guardrail), spinning
wildly. I assume that if I had damage on, the car would have been completely
Not nearly as cool as Terje's airplane-like effect, but it took me by total
surprise. I kept the replay if Rick G. would like a copy.
Meek and obedient you follow the leader
down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel..
Neil Yeatman, Ajax, Ontario, CANADA