For what games? N3 and NL take advantage of A3d. Neither the SB or
the Diamond can run that. Aureal is the sole provider these days, and
they have just gone bankrupt. But their products are still available.
Both the Mx400 and the Live can do DirectX based sound accelleration so
it really isn't a huge deal.
Soundblaster will always have a better compatiblity than 3rd party
products. There are now at least 4 SB Live's including the X Gamer.
check out which one is for sale...
dave henrie
(ps, I was never thrilled with Diamond's driver support for my Vid card,
but I can't say how well they support thier soundcards.)
> I just pieced together a P550 system with a G-Force card and now it's time
> to add a sound card. I've been considering a Sound Blaster live MP3 or the
> Diamond Monster Sound MX400.
> Any recommendations?
> Doug Walker