I've been thinking the same thing. Getting rid of the bungee would improve
things a lot but it seems to me just using springs to center the wheel
without the the original pulley arrangement would reduce what's good about
the factory setup, i.e. firm centering and rising rate return force.
My concept is to use a bicycle chain tensioned by a spring on each end.
Then reproduce the original pulley setup with the sprocket wheels from a
bicycle deraileur.
The problem is getting this to work in that sleek plastic housing.
> I have an extra Nas Pro wheel lying around. I was wondering if anyone
> has tried to modify this wheel to use springs instead of the bungees?
> If anyone has done this how was it done? Was it easy?
> I've been to Lew's wheels and Wally's, but it hasn't helped so far.
> Has anyone done this? I know where to get pots, it's just figuring out
> how to do springs that has me confused.
> Thanks,
> "ZZ"
> --
> Official member IGPS (Internet Grand Prix Series)
> And Sim Racing Mag Ferrari Challenge
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