OK, I took mine apart, the diode goes to the center post on the steering
pot, along with the green wire.
As payment for my trouble, please send me a CD with the SP30 patch for
SGGT :-) Send it to:
Tony Jester
P.O. Box 1748
Diamond Springs, CA 95619
Actually, it wasn't any trouble, you don't really have to pay me back.
I end up having to take that stupid thing apart all the time. Some day
if I ever get rich instead of famous, I'm going to buy a TSW.
> Hey guys, I have a Nas Pro and I am changing the pot. I accidently pulled
> to *** the pot when removing it and pulled the wires out of the posts.
> I would like to know what wire gets the little blue diode? I know the green
> wire mounts to the center post along with one other one. Anyone know what
> other wire is soldered with the green wire on the center post?
> Thanks,
> Jeff
> JFritz