I have a few suggestions for Nascar Racing 2
1. Have an optional speedomemter if there will not be one on the dash.
For us drivers who rely on knowing what speed we are going, it would
be a great help. You could add it to the option menu - speedo on or
off. I know that speedos aren't allowed on the real cars, but with
the real cars, the drivers can FEEL what speed the car is going.
It would be extremely difficult to only rely on the tire sounds in
the game.
2. Work on the AI to allow the computer drivers to go two wide into and
out of the corners. As it is now, the car on the inside line usually
slams on the brakes instead of both cars maintaining their lines at
speed. The same thing occurs when going into a corner.
3. Less sensitive pit crews. Right now, they ignore you unless you are
in the absolute perfect position. It should be a little less exact.