> > I just got my TM ACM GC and its really good. the steering is so smooth,
> > it works great. Also, I can use my 4 axis controler in win 95 now.
> > Id like to know about the adjustable dial. I know what the instructions
> > say so please don't say read the instructions.
> > I'd like to get less sensitivity if possible. I first used the
> > suggested rate by the speed measure software, 6.5. Then I set it all
> > the way down and that didn't work. Then I set it all the way up, 9.5,
> > and re-calibrated. I hoped that this would make it less sensitive but
> > it didn't
> > I read on SPY'S site that he uses a different value fir each program.
> > Why is this?
> > how can I tune this to my best advantage i.e. reduce sensitivity more?
> > Please someone explain what I need to make the most intellegent use of
> > this dial
> > -- thanx later --
> I'm the SPY your refering to, as explain on the webpage, the problem
> resides
> in sims working in DOS, most of them have a distinct way of changing the
> sensitivity. And in WIN95 you can't.
> IF YOU CAN, return the card (say it's defective) and get what i'm
> suggesting
> on that page (sorry Thrustmaster).
> http://infoweb.magi.com/~ericcote/win95.html
> See ya, Eric Cote
I got my CH Gamecard 3 the same time as my T2, and got it because I
couldnt find the acm, that day... I was pleased with my results, as well
and especially the special setting just for the t2 :)
either card is about 39 bucks or so, and the lack of twitching in my
controls, now, is worth every penny.
Sit down,Strap in,Shut up,Hang on,Go fast,Turn left,,,Kiss Trophy Girl
GGGGGGgoooo #3,,,31,,,28,,,94,,,6,,,5,,,18,,,8,,,