I'll agree to a certains extent that the preparation has a lot to do with
it - but you have to have something good to start off with.... that doesn't
mean a good road car, it just means the basis of a good race car. I've been
talking race cars all along here - so we may hav been talking at cross
purposes througout this post !! :-)
I still think its a great road car though - and much less common than a
Porker - and with its engine in the right place!!! Hah hah :-D
>>In all the races I've watched and been to (admittedly not all the GT races
>>around!!) the Vipers have pasted the Porkers. I was at Le Mans this year
>>when they came home 11th overall (1st in gt2) - the only non GT1 car
>>of them was a Ferrari SP333, and in a recent GT race at Donnington in the
>>UK a Viper came third overall, behind a McLaren and Porker - beating many
>>GT1 cars in the process - not sure where you got the last in class
>The comparison was based on road cars, where the Viper is last in it's
>class against equivalent GT models from other manufacturers. When you
>RACE a car it's a whole different ballgame, and what appears on the
>track will bear no relation to what's on the road.
>What really lets down the road car is the barge-like handling and auto
>'box, and I'm sure you'll agree those will be first kicked out of any
>race car. The racecars come down to who best prepares them, not how
>good the road car is.