So.... don't cry out for help and be proud of your six position! My main
goal still is to finish with at least one driver still behind me. This
at least gives me the feeling I'm not totaly slow :-) This is for the
pro short races. With full GP's I'm just very glad to finish. I don't
mind the four or more laps I'm behind. You can even finish in the top
ten with 4L on the race result list. It's amazing how many AI driver
actually retire during a full GP.
Now get back to you wheel and feel good about whatever place you get!
// Johan.
> I'm getting frustrated i can't Qualify higher then sixth in the Eagle at
> Monza.Any help pleeeeeeessssse?
> Thanks
> Joe.
Congratulations! Welcome to the real world where -- contrary
to popular belief -- we can't all be winners :-) Fortunately
we can all be millionaires (according to the spam I keep
getting) so life's not all bad!
Andrew McP
Its kinda like the way the AI's make mistakes in GPL, it sounds good on the
box but just wait until an AI punts you off the track.
Schlomo4 kirjoitti viestiss?
Do you know how to "sandbag"? That happens when you wait until the other
person is unaware and then you clobber him with a sandbag! I thrashed out a
great F2 Brabham setup for The Glen that I realized was faster than those
rascals in the computer cars were driving. I started a Single Race but instead
of running out and setting the fastest times I could, I just warmed the tires
remaining and hit the track. One recon lap to make sure Ginther was in the pit
and then I took off for one good "keeper" lap followed by a balls-to-the-wall
PB lap and I had the pole by .58 seconds! Since the end-of-qualy flag had
fallen just after I started my banzai lap, the AI was effectively sandbagged
and unable to react. Heh heh. Hulme used the Papy "magic traction" cheat to
beat me off the line and Black Jack got me in Big Bend for second but we left
those Loti as single pixels in our mirrors.
A V A S T Right-Wing Conspirator
It's called global hype, and you can turn it off in one of the .ini
Not really cheating, but well, the honour of winning goes down a bit.
Ruud van Gaal
MarketGraph / MachTech:
>Do you know how to "sandbag"? That happens when you wait until the other
>person is unaware and then you clobber him with a sandbag! I thrashed out a
>great F2 Brabham setup for The Glen that I realized was faster than those
>rascals in the computer cars were driving. I started a Single Race but instead
>of running out and setting the fastest times I could, I just warmed the tires
>remaining and hit the track. One recon lap to make sure Ginther was in the pit
>and then I took off for one good "keeper" lap followed by a balls-to-the-wall
>PB lap and I had the pole by .58 seconds! Since the end-of-qualy flag had
>fallen just after I started my banzai lap, the AI was effectively sandbagged
>and unable to react. Heh heh. Hulme used the Papy "magic traction" cheat to
>beat me off the line and Black Jack got me in Big Bend for second but we left
>those Loti as single pixels in our mirrors.
In fact I find that the AI are about anything from a couple of 10ths to
a whole second off my previous PB, and because I am still improving each
time I return to a circuit then they are not getting any closer. :-)
Peter Ives - (AKA Ivington)
No person's opinions can be said to be
more correct than another's, because each is
the sole judge of his or her own experience.
>>If I remember correctly then GPL is designed for the AI's to get a little
>>better as you get better so its actually possible to go to the top level and
>>never get pole or maybe a race win!?!?!
>It's called global hype, and you can turn it off in one of the .ini
>Not really cheating, but well, the honour of winning goes down a bit.
Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Own Grand Prix Legends? Goto
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.
>In fact I find that the AI are about anything from a couple of 10ths to
>a whole second off my previous PB, and because I am still improving each
>time I return to a circuit then they are not getting any closer. :-)
Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Own Grand Prix Legends? Goto
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.
No wonder i do my best laps early get frustrarted when theres a sudden
increase in the compititions ability and push that little bit to hard.This
is a real ballbreacker of a game?
thanks Joe
From the readme.txt (1.0):
npt_override = 0.00 ; set to > 0.0 to override normalized player
This is the main one for controlling AI speed. Setting it to 1.0
would make all AI cars run at their baseline time. Below 1.0 causes
faster cars; above 1.0 slower.
Note this is in gpl_ai.ini under [magic].
Try setting it to 1.0 or delete your player.sts file somewhere in the
GPL directory (players/YourName/player.sts). This holds somewhat of
the last 10 best times you did on all tracks. The average is a factor
for hyping the AI.
Ruud van Gaal
MarketGraph / MachTech:
Don Burnette
Dburn in N3 and Legends