% A "real" news program clearly relies on the subject line when filtering on
% key words in that subject line.
Yes, a real newsreader will rely on the subject line when filtering for
a particular post. But, a "real" newsreader won't hatchet a subject
line just because it saw a ":".
% Respectfully, Michael, I don't think you've read this thread carefully
% enough.
Unfortunatley, I have followed it carefully and the thread has moved
left and right in what is being talked about. When we are talking about
threads, this is related to who answered what message and then who
responds to that response. It is possible for a properly threaded
discussion to have several "threads" in it. For an example, this is the
"threaded" version of this discussion so far:
0 GPL N99 N2 Readers and Everybody Else Jack
1 GPL N99 N2 Readers and Everybody Else Trips
2 GPL N99 N2 Readers and Everybody Else ymenard
3 GPL N99 N2 Readers and Everybody Else John Moore
4 GPL N99 N2 Readers and Everybody Else Jim Sokoloff
5 GPL N99 N2 Readers and Everybody Else Jack
6 GPL N99 N2 Readers and Everybody El Richard Walker
7 GPL N99 N2 Readers and Everybody Jack
8 GPL N99 N2 Readers and Everybod Michael E. Carver
9 GPL N99 N2 Readers and Everyb Jack
You will notice a couple of things here. First there are 2 separate
threads tied to this discussion (0-3 & 0,4-9). These threads are based
on the "Reference" line I mentioned in my previous post, not the subject
line content.
The other thing to note is that there are no "Re:"'s in this list. Why
is this? Well, the proper method of parsing a subject line in Usenet is
to ignore the first 4 characters if they are "Re: " or even "re: ".
Now a newsreader that bobitizes subject headings based on a ":", is a
piss-poor newsreader. This used to be a big problem in the old days
when alot of people used "freeware" and "shareware" programs to
"off-load" news articles and generate responses off-line to be later
Of course your big concern is not "proper threading" (though I was
mislead by your comment, "By 'broken', I mean the client is no longer
able to associate a reply with its parent post." -- which is "threading"
in my book), but contents of subject line. And of course piss-poor
newsreaders that don't comprehend the rules for Usenet posting/reading.
You asked us not to use ":"'s in our subject headings. Well, there
aren't any Usenet rules that say we shouldn't, just poorly coded
newsreaders and their users. I would suggest one to file a bug report
to the company that wrote their newsreader and ask them to fix it. Since
Usenet is bigger than any one company (and that includes Microsoft --
though MS doesn't really want to think that's possible <G>).
And to make matters worse, I am changing the subject header of this
message as it is indeed discussing things beyond the original subject
line. Of course since you are "filering" based on subject line
content, you may miss this post. Properly coded newsreaders will
recognize this post as a part of the 2nd thread in this discussion
(based on the reference numbers). Poorly coded newsreaders will see
this as a brand new discussion.
Don't blame us for the broken tools.
BTW: I do sympathize with your desire to only read threads of interest
to you and I agree wholeheartedly with need to include acronyms for the
game/sim being discussed in the subject line. That's why I post the
Introductory FAQ for r.a.s.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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