Hello, here are some commonly used acronyms:-
AFAIK as far as i know
AFK absent from keyboard.
AIUI as i understand it
AOL ! "me too !" (from the alleged [commonly accepted as true]
newbie-("aol !") ish 'net behaviour of users posting via a certain ISP
(q.v.), butneither restricted to their users, nor universal to them [it
just *seems* like it, sometimes...])(is losing capitalisation as it be-
comes generic through common usage - frequently in triplicate...)
ATB all the best
ATM at the moment
BBFN, 'bye-'bye for now
BFN 'bye for now
BICBW but i could be wrong (also ICBW, ICWBW, BICVWBW ..very
well be...)
BTSOOM beats the shit out of me [also ..F.. - ****; ..H.. -
BTW, btw by the way
cc courtesy copy; originally carbon copy
e.g. exempli gratia
etc. et cetera
FAQ, faq frequently asked questions; and files listing same, with
FTP, ftp file transfer protocol: getting files from a distant
online computer
FUBAR ***ed up beyond all recognition*
FUD fear, uncertainty, and dismay [or doubt, or
FWIW for what it's worth
FX, fx. effects - originally a stage direction indicating sound
effects - now frequently given as <fx: (description or definition of
effect desired)>, or <fx>: (name of sound or other effect to be
GBFN good-bye for now
g,d&r Grins, Ducks & Runs (Very Fast); or "...& Runs (Very
Very Fast)" (vf)(vvf) and so on...
HAND "have a nice day"
HTH hope this [/that] helps
ICBW i could be wrong
i.e. id est
IIRC if i recall [remember] correctly
IIUC if i understand [understood] correctly
IMAO in my arrogant opinion
IMHO in my humble opinion
IMNSHO in my not so humble opinion
IME in my experience
IMO in my opinion
IOW in other words [or, in other worlds];
IRL in real life [see RL]
ISTR i seem to recall [remember]
IYWBSG(AT) if you would be so good (as to...) [similarly IYWBSK
LOL laugh(ing) out loud
NYK not yet known (orig. n.y.k.)
NYP not yet published
OLF one line follow-up [commonly considered a netcrime,
OTOH on the other hand
OTT over the top
POV point of view
RL real life - a semi-mythical state of existence rumoured
to exist
RO(T)FL rolling on (the) floor laughing
RO(T)FLKAS rolling on (the) floor laughing, kicking and screaming
Rot13 deliberately easily-breakable encryption in which every
letter is replaced with that thir*** letters on in the
RSN real soon now
RTFFAQ read the ***ing FAQ
RTFI read the ***ing instructions
RTFM read the ***ing manual
SFAIAA so far as i am aware
SFAICR so far as i can recall (remember)
SFAIK so far as i know
SFAIU so far as i understand
SFAR so far as regards
SHM(M)HYG so how much (money) have you got ?
SIG, .SIG signature file
SNAFU situation normal; all ***ed up
SO Significant Other - spouse, partner, etc. - non-
prescriptive as to sex, or legal status, and therefore PC (q.v.)
T.B.A. to be announced
TIA thanks (or thank-you) in advance
WTF what the ***
WTH what the hell...?
And here are some that may help here:-
Cart Cart racing, by Papyrus / Sierra ( updated ICR2)
CPR Cart Precision Racing, Microsoft
F1 (97/CE/98) Formula 1 (97/ championship edition/ 98), by Psygnosis)
F1RS Formula 1 Racing Simulator, by Ubisoft
GP2 Grand Prix 2 (world circuit) by Microprose
GPL Grand Prix Legends, Papyrus / Sierra
ICR ( 2 ) Indycar racing ( 2 ) by Sierra / Papyrus
MGPRS2 Monaco GP Racing simulator 2 ( sequel to F1RS ) by Ubisoft
MTM (2) Monster Truck Madness (2), Microsoft
N2 Nascar racing 2, by Sierra / Papyrus
N99 Nascar Racing 99 by Sierrar Papyrus