Sound Reflections in N3?


Sound Reflections in N3?

by J.Maxwel » Fri, 17 Dec 1999 04:00:00

I just got my hands on a MX300 temporarily, and wondered if I swap my SB
Live for this MX300, will that sound reflections checkbox then be enabled in
N3?  If so, does having that enabled make a noticable effect?
Glen Pittma

Sound Reflections in N3?

by Glen Pittma » Fri, 17 Dec 1999 04:00:00

I actually had a SB Live before N3 came out.  I was persuaded to get a MX300
after hearing the difference on a friend's PC. (Thanks Mr. Malphrus for
costing me money again<G>)  In my opinion, this is a big improvement.  It
definitely makes the game more enjoyable.

The bad news is this: To replace your SB Live with a MX300 requires removing
all the references to the SB Live from your PC.  For me, it was time for a
re-format any way.  Bottom Line is that for just a temporary trial, I
wouldn't go through the trouble.  But if you can get one for keeps, give it
a try, I think you'll be pleased.

Just my Opinion,
Glen Pittman
Occasionally Competitive Race Team

Walk Walke

Sound Reflections in N3?

by Walk Walke » Fri, 17 Dec 1999 04:00:00

It will be enabled with the MX300. I haven't heard N3 on a system without an
MX300 yet, so I don't know how much of an improvement it is, but I will say
that the sound with reflections is truly amazing...

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