Not sure if anyone in the group cares about we Mac racing enthusiasts,
but OS 8 has changed it's font assignments , and conflicts with
INdy/Nascar, so that no numbers or letters show up in any settings
You can actually change the info, but you can't see what your inputting
(best technique is to highlite all info in the box, hit delete then enter new
number/letter) Sometimes you need to use the arrows to change the numbers
but it still works.
Papyrus tech said there is no patch in the works as all developers who worked
on the mac ports have LEFT. They do plan to port the latest top racing games
to mac, (including SODA) and may even do an Indycar3 (or Cart) for mac.
This is all a shame because the new G3 machines (which only run OS 8) can run
all details and sounds on with 30fps or better with no additional hardware.
The G3 has really renewed my interest in these sims, and made driving seem
more responsive and more realistic.
Anyway, Papyrus said they would offer refunds to anyone using os8 if they return
the game with a reciept (if no reciept then lowest price will be reumbursed)
to CUC Software 4100 West 190th St. Torrence Ca, 90504