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Pretty good, but you will still need to lower some details to get a
nice fast frame rate consistently.
-- JB
Sent via Deja.com http://www.racesimcentral.net/
Before you buy.
You'll still have to tone down a lot of the graphics options and not display
all the cars in order to get decent frame rates--unless you can do without
mirrors. With most of the goodies on, things get OK into a race a ways, but
starts are a killer with anything approaching full graphical detail. I have
the basic setup you're asking about, except with a P3/800.
Jerry Morelock
I've got a V3 in my P3-733, and I run with most options on High with
mirrors off.
On full grid I get minimum 35fps. During race it'll peak around 60fps.
>I've got a V3 in my P3-733, and I run with most options on High with
>mirrors off.
>On full grid I get minimum 35fps. During race it'll peak around 60fps.
Your post implies that you think it will make amazing differences. In
truth, while significant, the differences with the processor upgrade for
F12K probably won't be as great as one expects.
Jerry Morelock
How do you do that? There's no hotkey listed in the manual.
Hit 'R' while in***pit, mirrors gone and double your framerate ;)
Ian P
<E-mail address invalid due to spam>
> > I still have to turn off
> >mirrors at the start though but thats with a full field, on the P2 I had to
> >keep them off all the time and have all graphics turned right down.
> How do you do that? There's no hotkey listed in the manual.
> Tom