I have a Celeron 300a running at 450, V3000 card and SB Live soundcard.
My framerates are very close between d3d and glide. I agree glide looks
better because of the anti-aliasing, other than that I think d3d is very
Don Burnette
Dburn on Ten
I also agree with everyone who suggested you try with AA turned
off. I have a P2-450, 128MB, 12MB V2 card and the game is totally
smooth all the time. If you want a better framerate you might want to
upgrade the CPU.
Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.
cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com
BUT... the story doesn't end there, because Antti Markus Peteri is
using a TNT2 and as you can see from _his_ screenshots, he gets much
better D3D texture quality then I do. Have a look at
(The "your 3Dfx" he's refering to is my previous shot)
We never really compared settings/drivers etc. But I use a CreLab
TNT2u, Detonator 2.08, MipMap set at 0, method set to Bi-linear,
detail set to Best image quality, Anti-alias in h/w off. The only
thing I haven't tested yet is "Don't filter stretched bitmaps".
Antii, you there?
>>When using direct3d I seem to get a much better frame rate than with 3dfx.
>>anyone confirm this? I think 3dfx LOOKS better, but there is definite
>>slowdown..especially in areas with alot of skidmarks..
>>have pII-300
>>128 meg ram
>>Anyone else mess with settings?