> > A rigid body is correcly described in Newtonian mechanics in the
> > following way: the sum of all forces on the body creates an acceleration
> > of its *center* of mass, and the sum of all torques these forces produce
> > and other possible additional torques results in the change of the
> > angular momentum and hence the angular velocity with respect to the
> > *center* of mass of the car. Note the use of the words *center*.
> Ok ok ok you want to play with Semantics. Whatever.
playing with Semantics, with a capital S? It seems futile for me to
discuss this matter any further with you, as we are talking in rather
different terms, and the precision needed to express oneself
scientifically is not something you keep in high esteem, it seems.
I feel the need to discuss your attitude, though:
Francois, you do have to realize that up to now I had some respect
towards you and your posts, even though I did not agree with them from
time to time. Was there anything in my previous post that could upset or
hurt you so much as to adopt a self protecting, seemingly superior
patronizing position? You should know by now that the posts sometimes
reflect what you want to see and not what is actually written. I ask you
to reread the original post and tell me what you find so offensive that
you had to revert to such infantile measures.
I only hope that you did this out of boredom and wanted to start a small
flame war. I am sorry, but I don't really have time for that.