>>Hopefully I'll be posting a small EXE file here that will allow you to
>>alter the GAMEOPTS.CFG file to turn on the realistic level of damage.
>Or maybe you shouldn't. The demo is not meant to be a full featured version
>of the game. It is supposed to whet your appetite for the real thing. By
>altering the demo, you bring it closer to the real thing and, quite possibly,
>make it good enough that some people won't bother to buy.
Excuse me?!!?
Have you tried my editor yet?
If you'd look at it and bother to try it you'd see that is changes
nothing in the demo that brings it much closer to the full game.
In the message I posted about my editor, I stated that it only turned
on the realistic damage feature, the pace car, yellow flags,
breakdowns and the race distance.
I also stated that I didn't see the point in enabling anything else
because the game should be realeased very soon.
A lot of posts were made to this group asking whether ot not the
crashes had been made realistic, whether mechanical faliures would be
included, was their a pace car?, etc.
My reasons for writing the editor was to prove to people that all of
these features were available.
O.K, it says so on the menu, but how good are they?
The arcade damage mode only allows you break the front wing and dink
the front wheels.
With realistic you can wreck the car so badly that your left sitting
in the tub.
The pace car is in the demo but what good is it sitting there in the
People have commented on the flashing lights on the top and it's use
during yellow flags.
They wouldn't of seen it without my editor.
With all the changes that my editor makes, many people have sent
e-mail to me saying that after using my editor they WILL go and buy
the full game after seeing these features.
As for you argument that it will stop people buying it they must be
pretty stupid.
With only 12 gallons you'll be lucky if you can do more than five
laps, no ability to change set-ups, two tracks to get bored with
quickly, no championship and no multi player I don't somehow think
that what I've done is going to reduce sales.
Again, if anything what I've done has shown features to users that are
more likely to promote sales.
If people don't want to buy it they'll just do what we've all been
doing for years and thats copying software.
At no point did I say that I was going to turn everything on and I
have no desire.
They way you word your response you make it sound like you work for