Worked for me!!!
Thanks mike
Here it comes
Bart Westra
I just got the GPL demo yesterday and after seeing how good it is, I
plan on buying the game. There was a problem with the cars' mirrors
though, which I've learned has been a long-time issue with the tnt/tnt2
cards. I searched the internet for a solution and came across a message
here about using the 3.53 reference drivers with the "Use Block
Transfer" setting to fix the problem, which works perfectly. The only
problem is that those drivers suck hehe. I wanted to know how to enable
that setting with the 2.08 drivers (the best ones imo), and discovered
that this fix can be applied to any driver version by simply changing
the value of the "FlippingControl" setting in the registry to "0".
Depending on the driver version, this setting can be found in
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Display\0001\NV When doing a fresh install, the settings won't appear in the registry So just in case there are people out there who are looking for this type
until an opengl game is run once.
of info (since the 3.53 fix is pretty recent), here it is. :)
Michael Loos