I have since early November been supplying replacement steering
pot kits for the LWFF.
Quite a lot have been fitted but I havnt been pushing them as I had a
backlog of pedal orders which was snowing me under a bit
(understatement!!) I didnt even put them on my web site as I didnt have
a digital camera, so had no way of showing the product.
They still sold well via word of mouth tho so with all the pedal work I
really didnt have the time to promote them more.
I have now just about due to the Xmas break caught up with pedals so
feel its time to remind you all about the option of replacing your worn
steering pots.
I still havnt got round to updating the web site with news and views of
the pot kit, I really must talk to "my man" about an update. I btw am
***y usless at anything to do with html and web pages so I wont even
I modify a quality potentiometer to enable it to be used in place of the
standard pot in the LWFF steering wheel. Although the standard original
pot is cheap quality they seem to last reasonably well, but most must
now be showing signs of "jitters" in the straight ahead position.
To fit My replacement the only tools you will need are a hot glue gun
and a small philips screwdriver plus something to undo the large nut
securing the steering wheel.
My wheel is modified to take Jen's ball bearing kit but I also have
another standard wheel and this pot will fit both.
I knew my standard pot was getting worn as I had the wheel jitters in
the straight ahead position for some time which cant be good for the
steering inputs. This kit can be fitted in around an hour or less and
comes with cables connected already so all you need to do is plug its
wires to the existing ones and tape over them to insulate them.
Some have found that after taking their wheel apart to inspect or to fit
the bearing kit that the wheel is no longer straight when powered up and
supposedly in the straight ahead position and have had to fiddle about
with extra resistors to try and fix the problem.
With my kit you will not encounter this problem and it will also "fix"
any wheel that has the problem now.
Price including UK delivery is 20:00 per kit available now. Overseas
orders at postal cost.