% >
% > I was hoping I could get some help here. I just recieved my new PII-266
% > computer and I have reloaded my Nascar2 game. The only problem it that it
% > won't recognize the Thrustmaster T2. Windows 95 and all of my other games
% > including the Setup test for N2 finds it, but when I get into the game
% > and do the calibration, I get nothing. Only the keyboard. I have
% > re-installed,
% > added and removed the adapter and still no luck. Any ideas?
% >
% > Bill
% Did you add the patches to Nascar2 after you reloaded it?
For help in Win95 get ThrustMaster's ProPanel. This is an excellent
replacement for the Win95 Control Panel's Joystick calibration applet.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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