Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

Mike Whit

Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Mike Whit » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

It's the fall in factor :)

Kenny L

Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Kenny L » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

That "rule" was obviously made by a woman.

Kenny L.
#14 Generic Chevy
PRC Member
Wall Scrapers Racing Team

> > I have always wondered why it is considered rude for men to leave the
> toilet
> > seat up after use when women might have to use it, but it is not
> considered
> > rude for women to leave it down when men might need it.

> It's the fall in factor :)

Kenny L

Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Kenny L » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

this pre-supposes that her ass is small enough to fit in.

Kenny L.
#14 Generic Chevy
PRC Member
Wall Scrapers Racing Team

Daxe Rexfor

Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Daxe Rexfor » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>Oh, and you *never* ever had any use for a toilet seat down, really?

The irony here is that, like many things, I was actually brought up to put
the seat down and I do it without thinking.  I also put the lid down, which
my wife had to un-train me to do.  She gets up about 8 times a night to pee
and needs the lid to be up so she doesn't sit on it and try and piss.  I
solved the whole issue by designating the master bathroom as 'hers' and the
hall bathroom as 'his.'


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Josh Hiscoc

Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Josh Hiscoc » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

seat is down (what, men don't ever have to "sit down" in the middle of the
night?), you deserve to fall  in.

You'd be's happened to me before. Nobody ever said humanity
was at its' sharpest during the wee hours of the night. ;-)


Josh Hiscoc

Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Josh Hiscoc » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

LOL...this is true.

But...nobody ever said it made 100% sense. Them's just the way things is.


Don Hancock (

Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Don Hancock ( » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

        While this is now SERIOUSLY offtopic, I need to make one
observation: I _sit_ on the can maybe once a day, but I **ALWAYS** check if
the lid is down and dry.  No matter HOW drunk I've been, I STILL haven't
fallen in.  Why can't women check, too?  How many times a day do THEY sit on
the can?

(whose mother taught him VERY well to ALWAYS lower the lid [a feat I
performed even while on a ship in the Navy])

Don Hancock (

Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Don Hancock ( » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>>If we can't afford to upgrade both, they don't get upgraded
>>until we can afford both.

>That's a good system. Tough, but fair.

    Our household follows the "leapfrog" principle: I get the faster
computer this time, she'll get the faster CD, then I'll get a faster video
card, then she'll get 4-speaker sound, etc.

    If we waited to save up enough for BOTH of us to upgrade we'd still have
P-133's! lol.  Now we have 4 computers between us, and I'm building up one
for my stepdaughter out of leftover parts, too.  It's her Xmas present.


Don Hancock (

Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Don Hancock ( » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00


    Nightsky, the reasons games are getting larger are sometimes obvious
(all those images of airplanes and 3D cars, stadiums and opponents takes a
LOT of space) and sometimes not (we are slowly, constantly whining about
having just "one more feature" added).  But the latency of a CD-ROM is still
around 100ms even for a 52X.  That's about as slow as a floppy drive.  While
installing a game, all the files are sequential so it's pretty quick, but
once it's running, the game needs to randomly access files which would take
FOREVER on a CD-ROM drive.  If you're worried about space, get an Orb (2.1GB
removable for $39 and 12ms access).


Don Hancock (

Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Don Hancock ( » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>LOL! My wife and I had to make a system for sharing "the chair" in
>online Rogue Spear sessions. Three turns each, even if we die quick!

>Joe McGinn

    That's a GREAT idea for those "1-Computer Households."  I solved it by
handing my then-girlfriend (now wife) the parts and making her build her
own.  She learned a lot and asks fewer questions that way.



Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Lutrel » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

The secret to a happy marriage?
Separate bathrooms!
Oh, and a wife that likes auto racing :-).


>solved the whole issue by designating the master bathroom as 'hers' and the
>hall bathroom as 'his.'


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>       The Largest Usenet Servers in the World!
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Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by CZ » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

This works for me and my wife, too.  It also has allowed me to build a
pretty nice Linux system (through the trickle down effect) that I want to
throw games onto now.



Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by klgth.. » Fri, 03 Dec 1999 04:00:00

..and that women are complete idiots.  If you can't handle
making sure the seat is down (what, men don't ever have to
"sit down" in the middle of the night?), you deserve to fall

Kirk (who lives in an all-male house and has never seen nor
experienced anyone falling into the toilet)

: this pre-supposes that her ass is small enough to fit in.

: --
: Kenny L.
: #14 Generic Chevy
: PRC Member
: Wall Scrapers Racing Team

: > > I have always wondered why it is considered rude for men to leave the
: > toilet
: > seat up after use when women might have to use it, but it is not considered
: > rude for women to leave it down when men might need it.
: >
: > 'Cuz if a woman gets up in the middle of the night, fairly woozy, and has to
: > use the can, she's likely to fall in if you leave the seat up. Whereas a guy
: > may accidentially***on the toilet seat if it's left down, but it's easier
: > to clean that up than it is to clean up the mess falling in might make.
: >
: >                 Josh
: >
: >

Note - change address if replying to this post:
       klg3 AT cornell DOT edu     (<-- make the obvious changes...)


Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by iphigeni » Fri, 03 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Oh, and you *never* ever had any use for a toilet seat down, really?



Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by iphigeni » Fri, 03 Dec 1999 04:00:00

> >>If we can't afford to upgrade both, they don't get upgraded
> >>until we can afford both.

> >That's a good system. Tough, but fair.

>     Our household follows the "leapfrog" principle: I get the faster
> computer this time, she'll get the faster CD, then I'll get a faster video
> card, then she'll get 4-speaker sound, etc.

>     If we waited to save up enough for BOTH of us to upgrade we'd still
> P-133's! lol.  Now we have 4 computers between us, and I'm building up one
> for my stepdaughter out of leftover parts, too.  It's her Xmas present.

our system here too!
Works well, i guess, if you don't mind having all those extra computer parts

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