Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)


Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Joe6 » Wed, 01 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>If we can't afford to upgrade both, they don't get upgraded
>until we can afford both.

That's a good system. Tough, but fair.

LOL! I can only imagine the nightmares of a baby who grows up in front
of System Shock 2.

Joe McGinn
GA-Sports Writer


Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Joe6 » Wed, 01 Dec 1999 04:00:00


>I thought this was part of the Old Boy Network..

Well, she didn't post HERE exactly ... that thread is cross-posted to
the action and autosim groups. Meghan probably posting from "action".

Joe McGinn
GA-Sports Writer

Meghan Rodber

Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Meghan Rodber » Wed, 01 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Bingo!  Sorry to intrude.  I'll go back where I belong now. *grin*


Rivalworks, Inc.
Find your perfect opponent at RivalWorks!

Cory Muzyk

Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Cory Muzyk » Wed, 01 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Meghan's been around for a long time!

* Cory Muzyka
* Vancouver, BC, Canada

> :-)

> I thought this was part of the Old Boy Network..

> DD

> > My husband and I solved this problem by trying, whenever possible, to
> > get identical equipment.


Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Justi » Wed, 01 Dec 1999 04:00:00


It is a community for those of us who trade used games, and most of us are pretty
decent people.  :)  Just go in, create a profile, list the games you have
available, and the games you're looking for, and they'll match you up with other
users.  Each user has his (or her) trading history tracked, we provide feedback on
each other, etc.  It's really cool.  Try it out.

NightSky 42

Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by NightSky 42 » Wed, 01 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>>Joe does make some good points in his article.  The fact that you have to
>>upgrade on a annual basis if you want to play the newest games (decently) is
>>very close to the truth.

>Hi Nightsky,

>Thanks very much for your constructive comments in this thread.
>Actually, the quote above is really what I was alluding to. I did not
>mean to imply that old games are not worth playing. One of my favorite
>sports sims of all time is the circa-1988 Amiga version of Wayne
>Gretzky Hockey. And I have found few arcade racers as much fun as the
>original version of Need for Speed.

>The point I was trying to make is that any serious gamer will want to
>play at least SOME new games, and that requires fairly up-to-date
>hardware. Thanks again for your comments!

>Joe McGinn

Although this sounds somewhat different than your editorial, I'm sure it was
originally an oversight.  Nothing raises my *** ire more than someone
implying that serious gamers only play the newest stuff, but you've come out
and responded in a good way here.

I fully agree that gamers like to at least play some of the newest
stuff...hey...that's part of what makes us serious gamers!    :-)

If all goes according to plan (which so far it is), my Pentium 166 will be
replaced by a K6-2 450 in five weeks, then an AGP video card not too long
following that.  It'll be nice to once again have a machine of decent power
after 26 months of rebuilding my computer setup from virtually nothing.  NHL
2000 will probably be the first thing for me to try out again...

~NightSky 421~


Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Krud » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>Hey Krud, how do you sell your old games? over this newsgroup? I've
>got some oldies I'd like to get rid of.

On or



Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Krud » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>The point I was trying to make is that any serious gamer will want to
>play at least SOME new games, and that requires fairly up-to-date
>hardware. Thanks again for your comments!

I think the situation is getting better.  I don't have to upgrade as often as
I used to.  Even with P3's available a fast P2 with 128mb is good enough for
most new games.  In fact Delta Force 2 is the only game I have now that maxes
out a P2-400.  It even maxes out a P3-500, but that's because of the Voxel
engine and 32 bit colors.



Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Krud » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00


>I thought this was part of the Old Boy Network..

Meghan is just like one of the guys, except she probably can't burp or fart at


Kenny L

Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Kenny L » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

yeah, but does she like "The Three Stooges"?

Kenny L.
#14 Generic Chevy
PRC Member
Wall Scrapers Racing Team

> >:-)

> >I thought this was part of the Old Boy Network..

> Meghan is just like one of the guys, except she probably can't burp or fart at
> will.

> -Krud

Daxe Rexfor

Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Daxe Rexfor » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>yeah, but does she like "The Three Stooges"?

and then there's the toilet seat thing....

~daxe (whose posts often seem to  mention toilets)

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Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Joe6 » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>I think the situation is getting better.  I don't have to upgrade as often as
>I used to.  

To some degree you are right. I still have my one-year-old P2 300 and
Voodoo2 combo. I'm hoping it will last me a while longer.

Joe McGinn
GA-Sports Writer


Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Krud » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>>yeah, but does she like "The Three Stooges"?

>and then there's the toilet seat thing....

If I ever build a house it will have urinals in every bathroom.  I used to go
outside if I was working out in the ba***t (instead of walking upstairs) but
then my son started doing it so I had to stop.  I put a bathroom in the
ba***t.  I should have put a urinal in.  Doh!


Daxe Rexfor

Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Daxe Rexfor » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>>>yeah, but does she like "The Three Stooges"?

>>and then there's the toilet seat thing....

>If I ever build a house it will have urinals in every bathroom.  I used to
>outside if I was working out in the ba***t (instead of walking upstairs)
>then my son started doing it so I had to stop.  I put a bathroom in the
>ba***t.  I should have put a urinal in.  Doh!

I have always wondered why it is considered rude for men to leave the toilet
seat up after use when women might have to use it, but it is not considered
rude for women to leave it down when men might need it.

I guess it's just one of *those* things

~daxe "3 bathrooms" rexford

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Josh Hiscoc

Are you married to a Gamer? (editorial)

by Josh Hiscoc » Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:00:00

seat up after use when women might have to use it, but it is not considered
rude for women to leave it down when men might need it.

'Cuz if a woman gets up in the middle of the night, fairly woozy, and has to
use the can, she's likely to fall in if you leave the seat up. Whereas a guy
may accidentially***on the toilet seat if it's left down, but it's easier
to clean that up than it is to clean up the mess falling in might make.

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