Well, hopefully I wont get flamed for this.....but I am a sim fan, mainly of
the Nascar variety. Viper apeals to me on that front. It is much easier for
ME to drive, and compete against the AI. IMHO, the AI is still pretty smart
in Viper(not Viking, I dont see no helmets with horns on my version, but I
got the full version, maybe demo is different 8~) )The graphics are as sweet
in Viper as GPL, with some added bonuses, like desert platos, rivers and
lakes, etc.
Also, in the full version, there is a feature for Carreer mode, where you
start with a base model, use winnings to upgrade, and eventually get to the
Viper GTRS(scuse me if thats wrong) but the MOTHER of all vipers.
In some aspects, Viper cant hold a candle to GPL, but in others it blows it
away. Again, Just MHO.
I truly love both titles, and picking which is best would be difficult. One
sim is a allready classic, giving us new race fans some history of auto
racing, and the respect of those guys for controling an out of control
car....The other is based on a modern day car, fantasy tracks (I think) and
has a little more "arcade' feel while still being true to a racing sim.
There are countless sim fans, who are impressed by the physics, graphics,
etc of GPL, who still dont get the "hub bub" of the endless praising of it
(which I am not included) and I am sure there are countless GPL ***s who
want no part of Viper. Personally, it was about the best $29.95 I ever
spent. Had it for 3 days, and prob clocked more hours than GPL in the moth
and a half Ive had it. Which is prob why I won with Viper first.
But I do stand behind any comment that Viper is in the top 2-3 sims released
this year...of coarse, its the 2nd, 3rd sim ive bought. 8~)
So, try the full version before making any more assumptions about the game.
Guarentee, there is a challenge for everyone in the game.
PS Notice I said top 2-3...being I still feel GPL is the mack daddy, so
please dont flame me.