> I don't know why but I have to reply to this non-sense... here we go :
> Jay Wolfe wrote
> >this is horseshit! some of the goddam cars do not handle well in GPL -
> PERIOD. they
> >ARE too twitchy and they ARE too unforgiving.And that's how they were in
> reality.
1967 f1 car yourself blah blah blah..."
there you go - more***-measuring. i like how you use the "people like you"
arguement. brilliant. but, oh, gee, i'm sure that YOU drove a real 1967 f1 car
blah blah blah...
fortunately, it doesn't take a physicist to see the problems inherent in the
simulation. can you say "program flaw"? take a look at all of the post
regarding the overly poor handling. the compu-geeks at papyrus were obviously
trying to simulate poor-handling (since this is what was told to them) and went
too far. how can i say "too far"? simple. the volume of complaints in this
respect are testimony. i can handle "poor handling" just like the next guy, but
it is rediculous to think that a car would swerve completely from one side of
the track to the other. and many others also believe this. "hey, we have to
make these simulated cars appear as though they are tough to handle. let's make
them swerve at high RPM's, maybe that will work." papyrus missed the mark on
this one.
but, what do i know. i'm just a degreed scientist and former professional
athlete (READ: superior hand/eye coordination).
hey, GPL is a nice GAME. i like it better than the other driving GAMES that i
own. let's hope that GPL2 is much improved.
PAPYRUS: Jump, maggots!
really, some of you are the monica lewinsky's of racing sims. kinda scary,
don'tcha think?
the voice of reason,