As a long-time flight sim hobbyist who occasionally dabbles in other
genres, I'm interested in buying a realistic auto racing sim. No arcade
games need apply.
I have a 3Dfx Voodoo installed in my P133, and I'm not going to torture
myself with a simulation that doesn't take advantage of it. The vacuum
where the 3D flight sims ought to be is painful enough.
So what racing simulation should I be on the lookout for? What will be
the first 3D-accelerated racing sim to used Direct3D or GLide or Open GL
that I can run on my Voodoo? I don't have enough experience with this
genre to know whether I'll prefer Indycar-style racing or Grand Prix
courses or stock cars or what, so I'm open to anything -- as long as it's
detailed, realistic, and deep.
(Verite owners may refrain from chortling about Nascar2 and Indycar2,
thank you. <g>)
|--RichC-------------------------Interfacing is Easy--|