I've started trying to produce a set of setups across differing downforce
levels - the aim to produce competitive times for races as opposed to do or
die hotlapping.
To this end I chose Hungary to develop a high downforce setup - this has
been successful - achieving pole with all aids off at Expert level with a
bansai (for me) effort.
Transferring this setup to a low downforce track (Monza), adjusting the
downforce and gearing, has presented me with a problem with the curbs.
At Hungary I can clatter all over the curbs - which at least allows for an
error in braking or close racing to allow me to get away with a loss of
time - At Monza if I touch the curbs around I go!
Is it that the car behaves differently over curbs with a lower downforce -
or are the curbs at Monza a no go area?
I've tried softening the rear to compensate (my Hungary setup runs very
stiff at the rear), to no avail over the curbs and too much understeer
Has anybody developed a stable setup over the curbs at Monza?