The curbs through the inner loop are grooved. This is modeled in the game
and that is the reason you hear the sound, you will also hear it on the
rumble strips at Indy and on the curbing through the kink at Phoenix.
> Yes, there is one brief funny sound I most always hear when driving
> the inner loop. I hadn't been aware so far it's connected to the curbs. I
> have always been wondering whether that's to simulate audience, or a
> speaker?
> Achim
> > Hey,
> > you guys been racing the Glenn yet? the game makes a funny sound
> > you run over the curbs in the inner loop. One guy said it sounds like
> cows
> > going Moo LOL! Maybe the subliminally telling to MOOOVe over LOL... to
> me,
> > on my system, it sounds more near the comical "boinger" you hear in
> cartoons
> > when someone gets a whisker yanked off or is scared (thinking Tom &
> > cartoons LOL)...