Are there any official patches?
I looked on the EA-Sports site, but that place is a lost cause. Worst site
design I've ever seen.
Are there any official patches?
I looked on the EA-Sports site, but that place is a lost cause. Worst site
design I've ever seen.
No the only patches per se...are the mods and utilities available.
> > I just got around to re-loading F1C after my last system rebuild.
> > Are there any official patches?
> > I looked on the EA-Sports site, but that place is a lost cause. Worst
> > site design I've ever seen.
> > -Larry
> No the only patches per se...are the mods and utilities available.
> dh
Well, there was an unofficial patch released for F1 2001 which added FF. EA
generally aren't interested in supporting their games though. Their main
concern is that their developers are working on FIFA 2005 or NASCAR Thunder
2006 etc i.e. the next cash cow...
Weird, Madden 2004 and MVP 2004 have had multiple patches to fix bugs
and improve gameplay. I thought they typically patched their sports
games multiple times, at least.
> >Well, there was an unofficial patch released for F1 2001 which added FF.
> >generally aren't interested in supporting their games though. Their main
> >concern is that their developers are working on FIFA 2005 or NASCAR
> >2006 etc i.e. the next cash cow...
> Weird, Madden 2004 and MVP 2004 have had multiple patches to fix bugs
> and improve gameplay. I thought they typically patched their sports
> games multiple times, at least.
> Jason
All games can benefit from patches - unless they're perfect (and that's
never happened in the history of video games)
> -Larry
Every time I get an EA game, I always feel like EA was more than willing
to take my money, but not provide any useful support once they've done
so. So, I stopped giving them money, except when I broke my own
principles and got those F1 games. Guess personal boycotts don't work
when you break down just because you really want one of their games...
I dont ever recall a patch for any of their driving titles..
Andretti Racing
F1 2000
F1 2001
NASCAR Revolution SE
NASCAR Thunder 2003
Need for Speed II SE
Need for Speed III
Need for Speed IV
Need for Speed V
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit II
Need for Speed Underground
It needed a patch - to remove the terrible music and improve the tyre
modelling ;-)