DO the cars in GP2 actually have different performance ..........................

Uwe Schuerka

DO the cars in GP2 actually have different performance ..........................

by Uwe Schuerka » Sun, 14 Jun 1998 04:00:00


thanks for comments on the time multiplier. The situation doesn't
apply to my scenario because I copied the new canada track from
the 98trackpack at gp2 over the old canada track, so into the same
slot, so to speak, renaming it in the process, and still times
were vastly different (1:18 on the 98'track, 1:23 on the original).



 Spam-proof e-mail: Uwe Schuerkamp <hoover at telemedia . de> ////// Phone: +49-5241-80-10-66
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Harald van Sante

DO the cars in GP2 actually have different performance ..........................

by Harald van Sante » Mon, 15 Jun 1998 04:00:00

We are having a talk concerning the companies involvement in the group in
the thread named:
Programmer/Publisher group posts

Perhaps we can get them involved more and in a better way.


    Jim Dunphy heeft geschreven in bericht

    My final words on the topic are these:

    If it wasn't for all the people out there doing these "hacks" and
editors I doubt that GP2 (or any other sim) would have lasted as long as it
has. It isn't perfect, far from it. These people, like Steve Young, if
nothing else have probably put money in Microprose pocket! Look at some of
the pieces of ***software that are out there. Do they have the support out
there like N2 or GP2 has? NO! We the people give new life and extend the
play of what are other wise "unfinished" games.
    Jim Dunphy

    The Pits-

Bruce Kennewel

DO the cars in GP2 actually have different performance ..........................

by Bruce Kennewel » Mon, 15 Jun 1998 04:00:00

You are placing too much importance upon those who frequent this, and
any other, games-specific newsgroup.
We are but a grain of sand upon the beach of consumerism, our collective
voices no greater than the chirrup of the sparrow in the vastness of the
What we might say and do will have very little overall effect upon the
sale of any game, good or otherwise.

Example:- CART Precision Racing was slammed in this forum from the day
it appeared as a demo.  This had neglible effect on the retail sales of
the game in the important pre-Christmas period. In fact, the retail
soutlet with whom I am associated sold every copy they had.

> My final words on the topic are these:

> If it wasn't for all the people out there doing these "hacks" and
> editors I doubt that GP2 (or any other sim) would have lasted as long
> as it has. It isn't perfect, far from it. These people, like Steve
> Young, if nothing else have probably put money in Microprose pocket!
> Look at some of the pieces of ***software that are out there. Do
> they have the support out there like N2 or GP2 has? NO! We the people
> give new life and extend the play of what are other wise "unfinished"
> games.
> --
> Jim Dunphy

> The Pits-

The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club  is located at:-
Jo Hels

DO the cars in GP2 actually have different performance ..........................

by Jo Hels » Mon, 15 Jun 1998 04:00:00

Is the new track based on the original? It could be that it was started from
scratch, and that the differences in layout are too small to be seen but still

Otherwise, it is possible that the authors fiddled with some of the
physics-parameters which are stored IN the trackfile (air resistance,

Please remove *anti-spam* from the email when replying.
When everything else failed, we can still become im-
mortal by making an enormous blunder....

                             John Kenneth Galbraith

Michael E. Carve

DO the cars in GP2 actually have different performance ..........................

by Michael E. Carve » Mon, 15 Jun 1998 04:00:00

% Jim...
% You are placing too much importance upon those who frequent this, and
% any other, games-specific newsgroup.
% We are but a grain of sand upon the beach of consumerism, our collective
% voices no greater than the chirrup of the sparrow in the vastness of the
% forest.
% What we might say and do will have very little overall effect upon the
% sale of any game, good or otherwise.

% Example:- CART Precision Racing was slammed in this forum from the day
% it appeared as a demo.  This had neglible effect on the retail sales of
% the game in the important pre-Christmas period. In fact, the retail
% soutlet with whom I am associated sold every copy they had.

We are not necessarily trying to influence the "sucker born every
minute" customer, but the actual producers of "quality" "racing"
"simulations".  Those programmers/designers/companines that are truly
committed to creating a "true" racing simulation.  The hungry mob that
is trying to feed their "every new game" jones won't and don't pay
attention to this group.  This group is basically for the hard-core
sim-junkies (and occassional trollers, idiots, and usual Usent
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
     Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./.  [-  < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Jim Dunph

DO the cars in GP2 actually have different performance ..........................

by Jim Dunph » Tue, 16 Jun 1998 04:00:00

Maybe if we were a little bit more vocal someone might hear! That is to the
right people.
Jim Dunphy

The Pits-

> Jim...
> You are placing too much importance upon those who frequent this, and
> any other, games-specific newsgroup.
> We are but a grain of sand upon the beach of consumerism, our collective
> voices no greater than the chirrup of the sparrow in the vastness of the
> forest.
> What we might say and do will have very little overall effect upon the
> sale of any game, good or otherwise.

> Example:- CART Precision Racing was slammed in this forum from the day
> it appeared as a demo.  This had neglible effect on the retail sales of
> the game in the important pre-Christmas period. In fact, the retail
> soutlet with whom I am associated sold every copy they had.

Jim Dunph

DO the cars in GP2 actually have different performance ..........................

by Jim Dunph » Tue, 16 Jun 1998 04:00:00

Well up to this point, at least for GP2 we haven't had any support from the
manufacture. I would have like to have seen a patch for GP2. Since the only
sort of patches have come from the people out here, I'll support them and
not Microprose. If there is to be a GP3 I hope things change. Up to this
point Microprose, or it's author ( shame on you Geoff ), has done little,
I'm being generious, nothing to support this game. Someone got rich from
the 2 million or so copies sold. How about putting a little bit back to the
people who gave them their BMW's?
Jim Dunphy

The Pits-

> We are having a talk concerning the companies involvement in the group in
> the thread named:
> Programmer/Publisher group posts

> Perhaps we can get them involved more and in a better way.

> Harald.

>     Jim Dunphy heeft geschreven in bericht

>     My final words on the topic are these:

>     If it wasn't for all the people out there doing these "hacks" and
> editors I doubt that GP2 (or any other sim) would have lasted as long as
> has. It isn't perfect, far from it. These people, like Steve Young, if
> nothing else have probably put money in Microprose pocket! Look at some
> the pieces of ***software that are out there. Do they have the support
> there like N2 or GP2 has? NO! We the people give new life and extend the
> play of what are other wise "unfinished" games.
>     --
>     Jim Dunphy

>     The Pits-

Jim Dunph

DO the cars in GP2 actually have different performance ..........................

by Jim Dunph » Tue, 16 Jun 1998 04:00:00

See the problem here is I actually give a shit about what kind of product
you and I buy and the quality of it. If we don't speak up and keep buying
"unfinished and inaccurate" software, we have no one to blame buy our
selves when the next piece of ***hits the shelves. It's not bad enough
that the programmers have and are getting sloppier and lazy with there
programs, writing programs of 100+ MB or more that only a year ago could be
done with less than have that amount of code but we are forced to endure
just bad games. Until we say ENOUGH!! we will get nothing better and don't
deserve it.
Jim Dunphy

The Pits-

> On Sun, 14 Jun 1998 21:19:28 +1000 Bruce Kennewell

> % Jim...
> % You are placing too much importance upon those who frequent this, and
> % any other, games-specific newsgroup.
> % We are but a grain of sand upon the beach of consumerism, our
> % voices no greater than the chirrup of the sparrow in the vastness of
> % forest.
> % What we might say and do will have very little overall effect upon the
> % sale of any game, good or otherwise.

> % Example:- CART Precision Racing was slammed in this forum from the day
> % it appeared as a demo.  This had neglible effect on the retail sales of
> % the game in the important pre-Christmas period. In fact, the retail
> % soutlet with whom I am associated sold every copy they had.

> We are not necessarily trying to influence the "sucker born every
> minute" customer, but the actual producers of "quality" "racing"
> "simulations".  Those programmers/designers/companines that are truly
> committed to creating a "true" racing simulation.  The hungry mob that
> is trying to feed their "every new game" jones won't and don't pay
> attention to this group.  This group is basically for the hard-core
> sim-junkies (and occassional trollers, idiots, and usual Usent
> riff-raff).
> --
> **************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
>      Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./.  [-  < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Bruce Kennewel

DO the cars in GP2 actually have different performance ..........................

by Bruce Kennewel » Tue, 16 Jun 1998 04:00:00

Now THAT should be the slogan for RAS!!
Simple, straight to the point and it rhymes! :o)

> we have no one to blame buy our selves when the next piece of ***>hits the shelves.

The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club  is located at:-
Christer Andersso

DO the cars in GP2 actually have different performance ..........................

by Christer Andersso » Thu, 18 Jun 1998 04:00:00

No please, no more patches :o). I dont think Ubisoft will be patching their
F1RS2, cause how "well" it worked with F1RS. I did some online racing with F1RS
and the confussion on which of the patches the online racing worked best was
total. The standing question was always - Which patch are you using?

IMO it's okay to patch if there is a serious bug, or if the game doesn't work on
a certain system (which is a serious bug), or there is a new 3D standard after
the release, etc, but when the patches start to add features that should of been
in the release then the line is crossed :o). If we accept this then we take the
risk of never getting finished products in the future. Another thing with
patches is that far from everybody who buy games are connected to the internet,
thus having real problems getting the patches. Yet another thing is that writing
patches is very, very time consuming, time much better spent on starting to work
on the next version of the game.

If I were producer of a racing sim I would get a lot of beta testers to drive it
before it gets released, wait with the release until all planned features were
working for hours without crashes on any of the most common systems, choose the
beta testers so most of the systems get covered, AMD, Intel and Cyrix
processorer, 3Dfx, rendition cards, etc. If there still were a serious bug after
we released it, then I would turn the company upside down for the reason why we
didn't find that bug before the release. A patch would be available both on the
net and on every CD that comes along with a magazine. It seems as if this is the
way Papyrus works :o). Their products has always worked perfectly out of the

I bought GP2 for around 50 USD and drove it for 800 hours, I say Geoff has
earned his fortune if he made one :o).

/Christer, never believed that GP2 needed patching, we need a GP3, though, Geoff

> Well up to this point, at least for GP2 we haven't had any support from the
> manufacture. I would have like to have seen a patch for GP2. Since the only
> sort of patches have come from the people out here, I'll support them and not
> Microprose. If there is to be a GP3 I hope things change. Up to this point
> Microprose, or it's author ( shame on you Geoff ), has done little, I'm being
> generious, nothing to support this game. Someone got rich from the 2 million
> or so copies sold. How about putting a little bit back to the people who gave
> them their BMW's?
> --
> Jim Dunphy

> The Pits-

> > We are having a talk concerning the companies involvement in the group in
> > the thread named:
> > Programmer/Publisher group posts

> > Perhaps we can get them involved more and in a better way.

> > Harald.

> >     Jim Dunphy heeft geschreven in bericht

> >     My final words on the topic are these:

> >     If it wasn't for all the people out there doing these "hacks" and
> > editors I doubt that GP2 (or any other sim) would have lasted as long as it
> > has. It isn't perfect, far from it. These people, like Steve Young, if
> > nothing else have probably put money in Microprose pocket! Look at some of
> > the pieces of ***software that are out there. Do they have the support out

> > there like N2 or GP2 has? NO! We the people give new life and extend the
> > play of what are other wise "unfinished" games.
> >     --
> >     Jim Dunphy

> >     The Pits-


DO the cars in GP2 actually have different performance ..........................

by ymenar » Fri, 19 Jun 1998 04:00:00

>We are not necessarily trying to influence the "sucker born every
>minute" customer, but the actual producers of "quality" "racing"
>"simulations".  Those programmers/designers/companines that are truly
>committed to creating a "true" racing simulation.  The hungry mob that
>is trying to feed their "every new game" jones won't and don't pay
>attention to this group.  This group is basically for the hard-core
>sim-junkies (and occassional trollers, idiots, and usual Usent

Michael, thanks for taking the words out of my mouth.  I remember actually
flaming MTM2 here, and I got a couple of e-mails from MS lurkers.   I got
into a good thread with 1 and a "reply-thats-all" with another, and I
understood how those people think of us.

We're a bunch of crazy people who are only 0.1% of their targeted market.

But like you said Michael, and this thread somehow relates to the
Programmer/Publisher thread also,  we hope someday that our input will
infact have a better opinion to upcoming racing titles, not for our personal
benefit, but also to the benefit of each and every occasional gamers who buy
any sort of racing title.

At least lets continue to have some discussions here, and someday maybe they
will learn that by communicating with us, it can only benefit their

So, this is a direct message to all of you "official company reps and
lurkers" :

"Don't fear r.a.s.   Know how to approach us, and you will only benefit from
our opinion, knowledge and argumentation"

But is this really the point of r.a.s. ?? Are we really on a mission to
"save" the earth from those mighty  bad racing games ? ;-)

Let's at least try to continue on the good side here, I've never seen a
cleaner newsgroup in years here.+

- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard> Good race at the Brickyard, (-o-)
- Official Mentally retarded guy of r.a.s.
- Member of the r.a.s. Ego-maniac club
- Excuse me for my English (I'm French speaking)
- Excuse me for being provocative (I'm dumb speaking)
- "People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."--


DO the cars in GP2 actually have different performance ..........................

by Marc » Fri, 19 Jun 1998 04:00:00

> Bruce,

> When the first illegal editors started to appear for GP2 we in Customer
> Services told by our QA people who were told by Geoff that all functions of
> GP2 are NOT seperate.. Editing the car designed will effect sound or
> performace, editing the sounds affect the AI, etc etc.  Each part of GP2 was
> written in a special way to check the validity of the other parts.  This is
> as I have said the information we were presented with.

No wonder the game is so bogged down.  It checks other parts of the game all the
time.  THat really seems like a stupid thing to do.

> All MicroProse products have licence aggreements which have now been tighted
> to prevent any future editors on future games which would result in legal
> charges.  The programs are our copyright and the copyright of the authors
> (in the case of GP2 - Geoff Crammond) and not subject to disassembling by
> anyone without permission.

> Regards,
> Mark Rich/MicroProse-Europe

> ======

> >Well, if that is the case, why not issue an official media announcement
> >clarifying the position?
> >There are innumerable *** magazines out there and I'm sure that the
> >editors of every one would welcome your statement.
> >So how about it, Mr. Rich?

> >> Jo,

> >> If you don't beleive I am at MicroProse-Europe Customer Services try
> calling
> >> us one day on the telephone.

> >--
> >Regards,
> >Bruce.
> >----------
> >The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club  is located at:-
> >

Thank You
Marc Johnson

Outside of a dog, a book is a mans best friend.  Inside of a dog, it is too
dark to read -Groucho Marx is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.