Your very, very, welcome Alison.
Something I've never taken the time to do is thank YOU publicly. For
your website, the FAQs, the tips, the setups, and for all your work
with GPL and VROC.
So thank YOU, thank YOU, thank YOU, Alison. I may have saved you a few
hours but you have saved me weeks worth of time over the past year, so
I'm still in your debt.
> Thank you, thank you, thank you, Tracey! You've saved me hours of
> troubleshooting and reinstalling Windows, which probably wouldn't
> fixed the problem.
> I applied the registry fix as specified in the Microsoft document,
> the problem vanished. Now in N3 I get steady 30 fps all the time,
> graphics on, on the Net. I ran for over an hour in a single online
> session with no change. Rock solid 30 fps. Awesome! N3 is so much
> easier to drive when it's behaving properly, too.
> I also exported the branch to a file as you suggested. However, I
> that when I rebooted, the fields I fixed had retained their new,
> value. Hhopefully I won't need to reapply the fix unless I
> the V3 3500 drivers at some point.
> Thanks again!
> Alison
> On Thu, 27 Jan 2000 16:52:33 -0600, "Tracey Miller"
> > I installed the Voodoo 3 3500 and now online *** is slow
(and I
> >mean slow).
> > This is a known issue with IE5 and/or WebTV. Here is the
> >knowledge base document URL concerning the issue:
> > The document lists a registry fix, or you can go back to IE4,
> >uninstall WebTV (the less desirable fix, this will disable your TV
> > Until Microsoft corrects the issue, here is the best way to
fix it (so
> >far), after you've edited the registry, changing the two keys back
to the
> >way they are supposed to be, then extract the key to your desktop,
that way
> >instead of having to constantly edit the registry every time you
reboot, you
> >can just double-click on the key and merge it back into the
registry at
> >will.
> > This is what the two keys SHOULD look like when you're done
> >them (below), then choose "registry", "export registry file", in
the "export
> >range" choose "selected branch", name the file whatever you want
and save it
> >to your desktop. That's all there is to it.
> > "AutodialDllName32"="wininet.dll"
> > "AutodialFcnName32"="InternetAutodialCallback"
> >> On Tue, 25 Jan 2000 17:09:47 -0600, "Greg Cisko"
> >> >Huh... I just connect at 56K and haven't seen anything like
> >> >Exactly what is your network connection? I see you have a 3com
> >> >network card, but it could really be a DSL or ISDN connection.
> >> The 3Com NIC connects to the cable modem (through a gateway).
> >> For the record, last night I disconnected the NIC from the LAN,
so the
> >> cable modem connection was no longer functional. I then dialed
in to my
> >> ISP's mobile access through my modem and connected that way. I
ran N3
> >> and went to Multiplayer and joined several races. I got exactly
> >> same behavior: great frame rate (30) initially, followed by
> >> degradation to slide show within 5 minutes.
> >> Today I tried installing N3 on my ancient K6/225, Thriller,
> >> With this setup, frame rate is mediocre offline even with
graphics cut
> >> way back, as I would expect.
> >> I went to Multiplayer and joined several races. Online it's the
same as
> >> offline, and stays constant until people fill the track up with
> >> marks, which degrades it some, as does smoke. Once I drive by
the skid
> >> marks, or the smoke dissipates, frame rate goes back up to its
> >> mediocre rate.
> >> This is normal behavior and is exactly what I would expect. This
> >> machine has a 3COM NIC of the exact same model as the other
machine. So
> >> this test kind of eliminates the LAN and the cable connection as
> >> source of the problem.
> >> >Also, did you notice this with the original game? It may be
> >> >trying. I have been using the original shipped game and it is
> >> >generally OK.
> >> Yes, I think so, although with the original game I was running on
a Herc
> >> Thriller or a Voodoo 1, so frame rate was so bad that it obscured
> >> problem with degradation online.
> >> >I have done several races in a row with no problem. I do get
> >> >computer crashes after my first race if too many people try to
> >> >join.
> >> Well, I don't think you've got this problem. Thanks for your
> >> suggestions!
> >> Alison
> >> Remove the spam blocker NOSPAM to email me.
> >>
> Alison
> Remove the spam blocker NOSPAM to email me.