What i did is put the squash ball underneath the brake pedal. It is
not totally under but to the side: I'll attempt a picture:
(rear view)
| | <----------------------Brake
| |
| /^^^^\
| / \
|\ / <------------Ball
| \_____//^^^^\<-----Half Ball (not to scale he he.)
I've also place a half ball held in place by electrical tape (make
sure tape doesn't get between balls--hmmmm) next to the ball to keep
it in the right position. I know there must be a better way but this
works pretty well. You have to fiddle a bit to get things the way you
want them but the concept has worked for me (who isn't ready to tear
my base apart yet).
Chris H.
On Wed, 2 Aug 2000 21:54:51 +0100, "Martin Chapman"
>I have the LWFF pedals, where do you fit the squash ball? inside the casing
>or on top under the pedal? is it whole or halved? Any guidance much
>Thanks Martin
>> I've actually asked this before but I was curious what present GPL
>> aces use for pedals. I know the ch pedals are popular and I know a
>> bunch just use their LWFF ones with a squash ball (my present method).
>> I suck and want to know what people who don't suck do :-) TIA.
>> Chris H.
>> (who will hit double digits in the GPLrank tonite when he finally puts
>> a few laps in a Monaco)