Should be able to find a N2>ICR2 or N2>CART track convertor out there
somewhere. I know I seen one at the US Pits at and if you
have N2, just convert that track. I would think that would work. I know I
used theirs, or another sites converter, to convert several tracks to CART
since I didn't have ICR2 at the time, and was then able to race on the Glen,
Bristol, old Atlanta and a few others. Indy cars haul, I'd like to get an F1
in one of the sims to see how they fare on an oval, hehe. My best N2 Atlanta
with a nascar racer was 185, but after converting to CART, I was hitting
225mph lap averages, hehe. Sadly, the convertor I used at the time wouldn't
convert the Talladega track. So my hopes of breaking all manners of track
records there in an Indy racer were dashed. :/ But hey, the Glen rocks in
an Indy car, hehe.