WSC and the West Brothers

Philip For

WSC and the West Brothers

by Philip For » Sun, 14 Jan 2001 13:48:29

G'day Tom,

Have you heard about the saying, people in glass houses.....

Below  is a thread that I've copied for you to take note. This guy was only
expressing his opinion, and I believe you belittled him in your reply?
Also some quotes at end of page.

Copied from thread  Re: NH Car body changes


"Think" is something you should do before making "post" like that for
goodness sakes, man!

Do you not realize "making a Winston Cup Stock car" that handles like an
IndyCar to be equally stupid?

Could it occur to you that one must change the car 3D body...AND, the car
physics....and that would be a two-step process that our young friend may
not know how to change the car physics yet?  Or, even if he does, he chooses
to create the "car body" first?

You ask "what is the point.........?"  Can you answer your own question now?


> What is the point in all of this modifying the "stockcar" body to a CART
> body? If the car is still going to handle like a WC car, then what's the
> point. I want a CART car to handle like a CART car. I love NH, but a CART
> car handling like a WC car is stupid.....

> -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
> - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
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Snipped a whole lot......

This is your quote Tom--  "You ask "what is the point.........?"  Can you
answer your own question now?"

Well can you Tom??  Here is another quote from Tom--  "What you don't have
the "right to do" to be rude."

Sorry Tom, while I agree with what you posted about being rude in posts, I
just thought it was a little hypocritical.

Rgds Phil... Mostly a lurker :)

Patten Fuq

WSC and the West Brothers

by Patten Fuq » Sun, 14 Jan 2001 14:48:16

Hmm...let's start with the obvious....sports cars....1967 F1 cars....where's
the resemblance?

Eric Cot

WSC and the West Brothers

by Eric Cot » Sun, 14 Jan 2001 15:33:00

Very nice post Tom, fully agree :)

Just want to add, I've been in contact with Chris and Tony for some time now,
believe me these guys wants WSC out as much as we do. But Chris and Tony are
so perfectionist that they won't let WSC out until they are fully satisfied with
all aspects. They are lucky in some way to have Empire behind them, that is,
Empire are
willing to listen to them and the how and why there's delay. Contrary to EA
Sport who will force a sim develloper to bring it out, no matter what (F1 2000
first version for instance). Last note, the delay of WSC from Q2 to Q3 2001 is
not totally there responsability, Empire wants simultaneous release of the PC
and PS2 version. There's a distinct group working on WSC for the PS2.

Patience guys, patience, the long wait for WSC will be justified when you'll see
what it's all about...

Take care



> To all members of the sim racing community (if the shoe fits)...............

> I am concerned about some posts I've read recently containing disparaging
> remarks about the West brothers....and the "time" they are taking to create
> WSC.

> I am quite aware that this is an "anonymous public forum" and that means
> everyone is entitled to their opinion(s)...and to post them if they so
> desire.? Whether you "agree" or "disagree" with any statement, position or
> is your right and privilege in a forum of this nature to
> express it.

> What you don't have the "right to do" to be rude.

> This is not about "rights" is about "privileges".....and this forum's
> freedom is one of those "privileges" that we should cherish, in my opinion.
> Lots of people, have given up their lives I can type this
> message to you today.? There was a time in the history of this world, within
> my lifetime even....when that wouldn't have been possible.? These valuable
> lives.....those people who were "sons, daughters, fathers, brothers,
> sisters, mothers, grandparents" to many people alive today......some of whom
> are likely to be visitors of this newsgroup......these lives were not spent
> so we could just "post" any old thing that comes to our mind.? Their lives
> gave us the "gift" of this forum......with this gift comes the
> "responsibility" for us to preserve it for others, now and in the future.
> Being rude, abusive, foul and stupid......isn't being "responsible!"? It is
> being lazy!

> I don't know how many years I've been coming to this newsgroup?? I've been
> sim racing since around certainly its been since then.? I recall
> distinctly, a time when many of the kinds of posts I see today would not
> have been tolerated by the "regulars" on this newsgroup.? Where are they
> now?

> I am struck with the memory of something I read (or must have studied) when
> I was in school.? I don't remember who wrote it.

> It reads, "All that is necessary for the powers of evil to prevail in this
> world, is for enough good people to do nothing."

> "If the shoe fits......" is not directed at those who make rude and abusive
> posts here.? It is directed at the good people, who glaringly are absent
> from objecting to this kind of behavior these days.

> *********************

> I met Chris and Tony West in Los Angeles last year at E3.? I didn't get to
> spend as much time with them as I wanted......but I did talk with them and
> drive least to the extent they had it developed at that time.? I
> was with Bob Davis, chief architect at Sears Point Raceway.? We both were
> left with the same impression of Chris and Tony.......they were both very
> likeable, "regular" kind of guys.? The kind of people you can meet in the
> paddock area of any real-world race track just about every
> weekend....somewhere in this world.....that has been our "experience" at
> least.....with racing people of all types.? This is NOT typical of the
> people we've met in the software/*** industry.? Chris and Tony
> me at least......"a breath of fresh air!"? These guys were
> just plain fun to hang with.? And, they clearly loved what they were
> doing.......their enthusiasm about sim racing.....about racing of all
> kinds........was just "dripping" off them!

> Do I "like" the fact that WSC has taken so long to be released?? No.? Do I
> think Chris and Tony can do a better job?? Of course, everyone can always
> "do a better job".....including me!?? Am I "frustrated" sometimes at wanting
> to race a good, realistic racing simulation on my I
> firmly believe we'll get from Chris and Tony??? Yes....almost weekly!

> Does any of this ever give me the thought that it is, " be rude to
> them in posts I make here....or in email to them?"? No.? Period!

> **********************

> Chris and Tony.......

> I'm looking forward to seeing your work when you feel it is done.? I realize
> that "done" is a relative term......and that your definition of it may not
> be exactly the same as those who have provided you with the financial
> resources to create WSC.? If there is something that we, the *** sim
> racing community can do to help you a group, or as individuals,
> I hope you feel like you could just "ask us?"? Although we represent an
> insignificant portion of the total "market" for your product, we are
> probably your strongest supporters (other than the investors who sign the
> checks you

> Good luck with your efforts.....I'm looking forward to racing you guys
> online your favorite track in your favorite race
> car!

> Regards,

> Tom Pabst

Wolfgang Preis

WSC and the West Brothers

by Wolfgang Preis » Sun, 14 Jan 2001 20:02:50

>To all members of the sim racing community (if the shoe fits)...............

>I am concerned about some posts I've read recently containing disparaging
>remarks about the West brothers....and the "time" they are taking to create

Due to lack of time, I only read a tiny fraction of the postings to
RAS. "WSC" and "West brothers" are in my watch filter, however, since
I'm very interested in this sim and want to hear and read everything
about it.

Yet, I don't remember reading worse remarks than comments in the vein
of: "Oh no, not another delay!" or "Let's not hype the sim too much in
advance!" Could you point me to the article that triggered this
posting of yours? It must have been *very* obnoxious to warrant a 100
line response like this... ;)

I agree.

I disagree. Not everybody lives in the US, but since the US
constitution seems to be the most popular source to quoted under
similar circumstances, allow me to point out that the amendment which
ensures the "freedom of speech" guarantees everybody's right to -
under the appropriate circumstances and with a few exceptions - say
whatever they want. This includes saying stupid or even rude things.
(Slander, as defined by law, is a case for the courts, however.)

It is debatable whether it is useful or even morally acceptable to be
rude. But being rude (who is to define the limits between 'frank' and
'rude' anyway?) is certainly everybody's right.

This does not mean you and I have to like all the ***that's being
written. We can write our own responses, or even ignore it.

Pardon? What do you mean by "this forum"? RAS? I sincerely hope nobody
got killed to make RAS possible! That wouldn't have been worthwhile...
A teleological view of history where every deed and sacrifice became
meaningful by the final creation of RAS. That's scary!

But even if we extend your premise to the whole of Usenet, I still
can't see exactly what conclusion you want us to draw...? "In honor of
those who died, let's keep Usenet a nice place!" It somehow doesn't
make any sense at all.

It often is.

I don't know. But do you suggest setting up a RAS Net Cop Squad to
bully the stupid and rude ones into behaving themselves? I must say I
don't like this idea too much... There are quite a few moderated sim
racing forums (fora?) - maybe those places are more to your liking.

Excuse me, but what 'evil' do you refer to? Bad manners?

And let me answer with another quote from memory. Wasn't it Voltaire
who said something like: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will
defend to the death your right to say it."?

[snip rest of article]

I never met the West bros, but I saw screenshots and films of WSC, and
read interviews with the guys. It seems to me as if they are really
nice guys with a lot of talent.

I understand why you want to defend them against unjust accusations. I
also understand that you want to show your support for them.

But really, your argument is way over the top and actually leads in
the direction of the thoughts that those who "have given up their
lives willingly" actually died fighting against.

For fear of 'pulling a Godwin' myself, I will stop here. ;)

Wolfgang Prei? / Spam me and bear the consequences!



WSC and the West Brothers

by madd.. » Sun, 14 Jan 2001 23:31:13

They are threatening to sue Intel because Intel wants to implement DDR
chipsets for the P4 later this year while quickly abandoning the RDRAM
platform.  Rambus is probably going to bite off more than they can
chew.  Their opponents sem very confident that Rambus' patents are
shite and that they will ultimately fail in litigation later this
year.  I'm hoping they go under quickly and are never heard from
again...they are the Al***of memory technology companies, they
invented everything, according to them.

> I thought Rambus was suing Intel?

> buzard

> > Tom,
> >   If you want to save the world from Evil, use Linux, vote third
> > and boycott the Intel/Rambus alliance.  I'm not sure anyone here
> > to squirts about the few people attacking the Wests, least of all
> > Wests themselves.  If you don't like what people are saying, ignore
> > them and support the cause you see as righteous.

> > > To all members of the sim racing community (if the shoe
> > fits)...............

> > > I am concerned about some posts I've read recently containing
> > disparaging
> > > remarks about the West brothers....and the "time" they are taking
> > create
> > > WSC.

> > > I am quite aware that this is an "anonymous public forum" and that
> > means
> > > everyone is entitled to their opinion(s)...and to post them if
they so
> > > desire.  Whether you "agree" or "disagree" with any statement,
> > position or
> > > is your right and privilege in a forum of this
> > to
> > > express it.

> > > What you don't have the "right to do" to be rude.

> > > This is not about "rights" is about "privileges".....and
> > forum's
> > > freedom is one of those "privileges" that we should cherish, in my
> > opinion.
> > > Lots of people, have given up their lives I can
> > type this
> > > message to you today.  There was a time in the history of this
> > within
> > > my lifetime even....when that wouldn't have been possible.  These
> > valuable
> > > lives.....those people who were "sons, daughters, fathers,
> > > sisters, mothers, grandparents" to many people alive
> > of whom
> > > are likely to be visitors of this newsgroup......these lives were
> > spent
> > > so we could just "post" any old thing that comes to our mind.
> > lives
> > > gave us the "gift" of this forum......with this gift comes the
> > > "responsibility" for us to preserve it for others, now and in the
> > future.
> > > Being rude, abusive, foul and stupid......isn't

being "responsible!"

- Show quoted text - I

- Show quoted text -

Sent via
Mikkel Gram-Hanse

WSC and the West Brothers

by Mikkel Gram-Hanse » Mon, 15 Jan 2001 01:03:00


Tom I agree with your point, at least some of the way, but you do seem just
a little to righteous for my taste...

Leave the West's to do their job, and lets all just get on with our lives,
until the day WSC will capture us all in a GPL like grip. We agree that

But please quit trying to use cheesy "history lessons" as a way to decide
people should do or not do here in RAS...
I get sick when i read stuff like "Lots of people, have given up their lives I can type this message to you today."

No offense to the rest of you guys from over there, but only an American
could write such driveling pathetic sentimental nonsense.... I hope you just
got carried away when writing the post.

Come off the high horse please, and say what you want to say in a more
direct manner...



WSC and the West Brothers

by sudes » Mon, 15 Jan 2001 01:01:31

now THat i agree with!


> >To all members of the sim racing community (if the shoe


WSC and the West Brothers

by Monke » Mon, 15 Jan 2001 03:12:00

POW.... Busted his bubble! LMAO
The best way to shoot someone down in flames is with their own posts.
Good job Phil.


Sent via

Regular Race

WSC and the West Brothers

by Regular Race » Mon, 15 Jan 2001 03:26:55

I think the main concern folks have is about vapour ware.
Chris Bloo

WSC and the West Brothers

by Chris Bloo » Mon, 15 Jan 2001 03:57:12

Who the hell are you to tell us what we can and cannot say in this forum?

Though I havn't had chance to check out all the threads the past couple of
weeks, I have been keeping track of most things going on in here over the
last couple years and I have seen not one derogatory remark about the West

You have a right like any of us to disagree and we have the right to ignore
you as you do us.  However you musn't dictate what can and cannot be said.



GPL FD League
Simbok Racing

Remove _your_clothes before replying

Simon Brow

WSC and the West Brothers

by Simon Brow » Mon, 15 Jan 2001 03:55:37

Well said.

Bruce Kennewel

WSC and the West Brothers

by Bruce Kennewel » Mon, 15 Jan 2001 05:38:12

Hear, hear!!

There has been a trend towards the arrogant belief, this childish demand, by
a minority of posters, that software developers "owe" us ; that they are
beholden to us, that they are answerable to us during the gestation period
of their product and that they should be uotputting to a schedule set by us.

Nobody out there in developer-land "owes" us anything.  They are NOT
required to dance to our tune. Unless we are shareholders in their business
we are potential customers and nothing else.

Just as we have to wait for the next novel from our favourite author, the
next movie from a favourite director, so do we await the next piece of
*** software that titillates us. The author doesn't write to our
timetable, the film studio doesn't jump to our command, so why should we
expect a game developer to do so?

Because some of us behave like petulant children who have never been taught
common courtesy or the basic elements of good manners.

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.


Bruce Kennewel

WSC and the West Brothers

by Bruce Kennewel » Mon, 15 Jan 2001 05:38:55

Well, Mr. Hard, in THAT case you won't be disappointed then!

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

Bruce Kennewel

WSC and the West Brothers

by Bruce Kennewel » Mon, 15 Jan 2001 05:43:01

Perhaps this IS a cause that he considers righteous.

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

> Tom,
>   If you want to save the world from Evil, use Linux, vote third party
> and boycott the Intel/Rambus alliance.  I'm not sure anyone here gives
> to squirts about the few people attacking the Wests, least of all the
> Wests themselves.  If you don't like what people are saying, ignore
> them and support the cause you see as righteous.

Bruce Kennewel

WSC and the West Brothers

by Bruce Kennewel » Mon, 15 Jan 2001 06:09:00

No, not at all.
It was RUDELY stated and was designed to offend.

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

> Well said.

> > Seems like you're more interested in boring us with your
> > self-righteous prattle.  A public forum is going to *** a myriad
> > of opinions.  Don't like them? - Kill filters, use them and shut up. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.